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Olivia looked around the cafeteria, confused

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Olivia looked around the cafeteria, confused. Paul had not only not answered any of her texts, but he was also MIA from the room. All the other boys, except for Jared, were there, confusing her further.

They had both been there that morning and Jared was in class with her literally the period before. She didn't understand how they could have disappeared so fast.

"Hey, you just gonna stand there?" Kim asked, making Olivia shake her head.

"Sorry, I was just, uh, looking for Paul. I texted him.and he hasn't answered, so..."

Kim shook her head. "He didn't tell you? Both he and Jared had to leave to do a favor for Emily."

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh. No, he didn't tell me."

"Get used to it, they leave school a lot. Remember your first day?" Olivia frowned, recalling that Paul had left that day too.

She didn't want to be the clingy girlfriend who constantly had to know where their boyfriend was, but she didn't understand why he didn't just tell her that he would be leaving early. And she didn't understand why they had to leave in the middle of school so often either.

Not that she voiced her concerns to Kim. She instead took her normal seat at the table, sighing. "Please tell me you drove to school today. Paul drove me and my Dad is picking my new car up so he can't pick me up."

Kim nodded. "Yeah, of course. I'll take you home, but I'm pretty sure Paul will be back to pick you up."

"I don't want to take that chance." Olivia zoned out for the rest of lunch, thinking back on the dream she had the night before.

It appeared to be another memory from that godforsaken party, this time the moment where Jason strangled her. It had been her fault, as she had annoyed him.

Olivia didn't even know what she was on at that point. All she knew was that she had shoved handfuls upon handfuls of pills into her mouth, downing then with various alcoholic drinks that Jason brought her.

She took another shot, wiping lazily at her mouth before scanning the kitchen. People making out on counters, snorting cocaine, or pouring drinks. No sign of Jason anywhere. She exited the kitchen, pushing through the crowds of people dancing.

"Jace!" She shouted over the music, her voice sounding slurred even to herself. She bumped into someone, the boy grabbing her waist and steadying her.

"Hey, babygirl, you okay?"

"Mmmhmm, just looking for someone." She slurred out, tripping slightly when she tried to move away. The boy, Daniel Connors, only helped her up again, smirking.

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