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They walked down the hallway as one big group, everyone holding their heads high and talking amongst themselves

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They walked down the hallway as one big group, everyone holding their heads high and talking amongst themselves.

First, in the front if the group, went Jared and Kim, Kim not only holding hands with Jared, but also gripping his upper arm, laughing at something he said. Behind them was the trio composed of Jacob, Embry, and Quil, Seth hot on their heels with an excited smile.

Lastly, the newest couple addition to the group walked hand in hand, the boy whispering into the girl's ear. She only smiled, leaning into his side. He threw his arm over her shoulder, her hand going to connect their fingers once more, this time over her shoulder.

Paul usually got many envious looks, whether it be from men or women, but they were nothing compared to the incredulous looks of their peers when he was with Olivia.

Guys glared at him, jealous that he had gotten with the most attractive girl in the school. "Why is it always him?" They whispered angrily, shaking their heads in disappointment.

The girls stared at him with lust, glaring at Olivia harshly. "She must put out a lot for him to be with her." One whispered.

"She's not even that pretty." The other hissed.

Paul growled at the comments, shaking until he felt Olivia grab his face, giving him a smile. "It's okay." She muttered to him, pecking his lips lightly.

If their hands didn't stir up a commotion, the kiss did. Whispers spread, people shocked by the affection.

Paul had never walked in with his flings the way he walked with Olivia, never let them touch him in public, much less kiss him without permission. Yet, Olivia did it all and Paul only melted, not batting an eyelash.

"See you guys later!" Olivia called to Jacob, Embry, Quil, and Seth who nodded. She and Kim both went to their lockers, Jared and Paul following.

As usual, Paul leaned on her locked door, waiting for her to finish grabbing her things. Every book she took out, he grabbed, holding them with ease. "Don't you have your own locker to get to?"

Paul shook his head. "I got everything I need, but I appreciate the concern, babe."

Kim rolled her eyes. "Forget it, Liv, I tried the same thing with Jared, they're too clingy to go."

Both boys gaped at Kim's comment, denying it. "Clingy? I am not clingy."

Olivia laughed, leaving Kim and Jared to argue alone. She motioned to the direction of the class, Kim nodding for her to go.

Paul followed after Olivia, making sure to stake his claim by wrapping his free arm around her. "You don't think I'm clingy, do you? Because if you do, I'll back off."

"I don't think you're clingy." She clarified. "I actually think it's kind of cute how you walk me to my classes and my locker. Nobody has ever done that for me."

Paul pressed a kiss to her head. "Get used to it, Livs. I'm gonna do this and more. I'm gonna treat you like you deserve to be treated."

Olivia stopped, smiling up at him. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"I ask myself the same thing." They made it to her class, Paul shifting to books to her. He frowned, pausing in the doorway.

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes. Now, go on." Olivia leaned up, pressing her lips to his. Paul took the opportunity, savoring the taste of her lips and pulling her closer by her hips.

Ms. Johnson cleared her throat, making the two teens jump apart. "Now, while I'm sure it's 'torturous' to be apart, you have another class, Mr. Lahote. And Ms. De Costa, have some decorum. "

"Sorry, Ms. Johnson, just dropping Olivia off. See you at lunch, Livs."

"Bye, Paul." Olivia walked to her seat, avoiding Ms. Johnson's judgemental gaze. Even the teachers thought the boys were on drugs and that everyone associated with them was in danger of doing drugs as well, or joining whatever cult they had.

Now, as someone with a past taking drugs, Laila knew they weren't on anything. They were too tan, too composed, too healthy looking. They didn't shake at the slightest sight of alcohol or other drugs, didn't look on a breaking point, or have the wounds on their veins were steroids should be injected.

Olivia didn't understand how that rumor could have been started when none of the signs were there. The idea of them being in a cult was more probable, more truthful with more evidence. I mean, a group of boys all missing school and coming back with matching tattoos on the same places with the same haircut and the same overall build? That was suspicious. Olivia knew people that did steroids, Jason had done Steroids, and he didn't look like them in any way.

Kim entered the class, her lipgloss messy and her hair ruffled. She shuffled to her seat, turning to meet Olivia's eyes.


Olivia snickered. "You should look in a mirror, Kimmy. Your hair and lipgloss are a mess."

Kim gasped, going through her bag and pulling out a compact mirror. She inspected her face, blushing madly while she attempted to fix herself before class start.

"You and Jared sure did makeup quickly, didn't you?"

"I hate you, Olivia."

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