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Olivia couldn't sleep. How could she, knowing what was happening in the woods and the tension threatening to boil over? Other humans slept peacefully, blissfully unaware of the supernatural and the horrible conflicts among them. Unaware of how close danger lied. But Olivia was no ordinary human, not since she had arrived in La Push and befriended Kim, unknowingly binding herself to a pack of shapeshifters for life.

So, Olivia didn't sleep. After an hour and a half of tossing and turning to no avail, she found herself sitting by her window and looking out in hopes of getting a glimpse of the events inside the woods of La Push. She knew the pack was out there, saw the trees rustle every so often under the moonlight and heard the occasional howl.

The day after seeing Bella had been long and trying, with all the imprints sick with anticipation. The wolves rarely left the woods at Sam's command, so the rest of the imprints were left in the dark as to how Bella was doing and the extent of the situation at hand. Only Olivia was able to truly grasp everything going on and so, as soon as she visited Emily's (dreading it if she was honest), she was surrounded by the girls continously asking what was happening exactly.

"How big was her bump?" Kim questioned, her eyes wide with horror after Olivia described the state she had seen Bella in mere weeks after her wedding.

"Too big for how far along she must be. The vampire side is making the baby grow faster, I presume."

"So, she is pregnant with a baby? Not some sick vampire creation that Carlisle stuck inside of her?" Claire pushed on, Olivia scrunching her nose in disgust at the implication.

"No, absolutely not. Carlisle would never do that. In fact, he doesn't want Bella to carry full term, seemed like he is also afraid to see what the baby will be like."

"If Dr. Cullen is worried, then this truly is a problem. No wonder the pack is so scared about this, the one trustworthy person in that family is terrified as well." Kim realized, shaking her head. She looked pale, as if she was going to throw up at the thought of the baby that grew inside of Bella. Olivia noticed Kim growing shaky and rubbed her back, helping the girl to relax.

Emily set down a towel she was folding, her face solemn. "Whatever is in it's blood, it's still a baby. And if Sam gets his way, it's the blood of an innocent baby that will be on his hands."

"Emily, the baby is half vampire." Claire reasoned, Emily shaking her head.

"That doesn't change anything!" She cried out, her hand slamming onto the table with a loud smack resounding in the room. "It doesn't change that Bella is still human and is growing a half human baby. A baby. And Sam, sam's intent on becoming a murderer. They all will be."

Her voice lowered, her bottom lip trembling and her eyes becoming glossier. "And I don't know if I'll be able to forgive him if he goes through with it."

"Emily-" Olivia began, Emily only holding up her hand.

"I need a moment."

Olivia, Kim, and Claire were left shocked by Emily's words, assuming that she would be on h
Sam's side. Never had they seen Emily doubt her love for Sam before, not since the beginning of their relationship. To see Emily in such a state of distress gave a different perspective onto an already complex situation.

They were left still in the kitchen when she walked upstairs, pretending not to hear when the sounds of her cries filled the air minutes later.

The whole situation was growing bigger, affecting more and more people with every passing day. Olivia couldn't avoid it, seeing the way the pain reached everyone important to her. Billy missed Jacob, Sue yearned for her own children, the imprints craved their boyfriends, and worst of all, everyone knew that whatever the outcome, the pack would not come out as a whole.

Not even speaking to Rosalie and getting updates helped, Rosalie happy with the news of the baby of sugarcoating everything. It was as if she didn't realize the severity and what was at stake. Like she didn't see the way the baby was tearing her family apart and even starving them.

Olivia felt torn herself, unsure of how to help everyone around her and keep herself safe in the middle of it. Hell, only months ago, her biggest problem in life was her addiction and while she had grown out of it, she was still in recovery. Without Paul to comfort her when she needed him most, she truly felt alone again since Kim was not in a good state of mind either and Esme and Rosalie were equally unreachable.

With every passing day, Olivia felt her resolve falter and her will to be strong for everyone falling as well. She felt herself doubting her initial thoughts of the baby's innocence, wishing the problem would just resolve already. She had no escape, everywhere she went having the same tension and fear in the air as the Cullen home.

Olivia sighed, glancing back at the empty bed before standing from the window. Emily's words echoed in her mind, driving her thoughts into overdrive and making her overthink even more.

The whole pack was being torn to pieces and Olivia found herself thinking of the outcomes and what she would feel for each one. Could she forgive Paul for killing Bella, even if it was on Sam's orders?

Every solution seemed to be a losing one and Olivia suddenly understood why most people were ignorant to the existence of the supernatural. It was just easier that way for everyone.

She missed when she was just as oblivious as the rest.

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