-23- Because, I love you...

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-23- Because, I love you...


Every day when I wake up in the morning and know that Yibo has held me in his arms all night again, he looks at me, smiles and tells me that he loves me, I am just incredibly happy. Because this is exactly what I have always dreamed of. And always only Yibo was in these dreams.

I seriously wondered if I had ever loved anyone else but Yibo? He was not my first boyfriend, but he was my first love even then. But since he hadn't taken any notice of me then, and I was much too shy to confess my love to him, we didn't become anything.

Yes, I know he said he was too immature and so on. But who knows, it could have been different.

And sometimes when I think about how happy I am, I feel sad too. Because while Yibo was my first love, for him it was someone else. Although I understand that and I never minded before. But after we came back from Paris, I met his ex boyfriend while I was shopping.

His ex-boyfriend reminded me that I was not Yibo's first love and that he had been with this guy for three years and they loved each other. Yes, I also had an ex boyfriend, or actually two. So it didn't matter to me until now. But hearing his ex boyfriend talk about himself and Yibo really hurt.

He looked deep into my eyes and said: "No matter what Yibo feels now. You were never his first and never will be. And everything that you have and are doing, we have done as well. So there will be no first times between you, no matter how much you want it."

Of course I immediately pretended that I didn't care, but inside I was really crying. I thought it couldn't get any worse, but then my ex boyfriend showed up and I realized that he was still following me in secret.

Because he said to Yibo's ex: "And what does it matter to Zhan? After all, I was his first one and he experienced many first times with me, which his husband can never have with him."

At that moment, I wished that Yibo wasn't sitting at home with Seungyoun and gambling. Wooseok accompanied me but was in a completely different gear. I really panicked, because I know what my ex boyfriend is capable of. And even if Wooseok was with me, he couldn't help me.

Yibo's ex-boyfriend laughed and asked if it should impress him now that my ex is standing by me. I shook my head in fear. There were the two guys, my ex who stalked me for a long time and Yibo's ex who once stalked me, and I was alone with them.

My ex grabbed me roughly by my upper arm, dragged me to him and said to Yibo's ex: "Who says I'm going to stay his ex?"

Suddenly Yibo's ex said: "Let him go! You can see that it hurts him." And he tried to take my ex's hand off my upper arm. I just stood there frozen. It's not the first time.

"Xiao Zhan is mine! He always has! And he will come back to me. because he knows what's good for him." Said my ex.

My ex started dragging me with him while Yibo's ex tried to help me. One minute he was trying to hurt me with his words and now he wanted to help me?

But Yibo's ex was powerless against my ex.When Yibo's ex stood in front of my ex, my ex punched him in the face with his fist and he fell to the ground.

In panic, I thought it would end up the same way as before. I tried to get the attention of a salesman, but he did not understand what was going on. My ex kept dragging me along and I could only think of Yibo.

He dragged me out of the supermarket, screamed at me not to forget who I belonged to and tried to drag me to his car. But up to that point he didn't come. Because Yibo was suddenly there!

Yibo freed my arm from the grip of my ex boyfriend, pushed me behind him and kicked my ex against his chest: "You dare to touch my husband and hurt him? Really? I'll show you today what I do to those who dare to harm what is mine!" He kicked my ex's chest again and he fell to the ground.

Totally in a rage Yibo beat him and yelled again and again: "Never touch him again. Don't you ever come near him again or I'll kill you."

I dragged Yibo off my ex, my ex got up slowly and ran away. Then Yibo's ex came out of the supermarket and Yibo kicked him too. "Don't you ever tell Zhan shit like that again. Luckily Wooseok called me and told me you were here. I could hear what you bastard said to my husband! You disgusting piece of shit! We've had all the first times? You're out of your fucking mind! And just so you know, Zhan was and is the only person I love. I liked you then, but I didn't love you then. I only feel love for Zhan. And just because you at least tried to help Zhan, I won't kill you. But if you come near him again, I'll kill you!"

Yibo took me in his arms, hugged me tightly and said: "You are the first man I really love, believe me. And it's not true that he and I have done everything we do."

"Mmm, I know." I said that. I was trembling all over.

Yibo rubbed my back and asked me if I was okay. I nodded and asked him if he was hurt. Because I saw blood on his hand. Yibo said that it was nothing.

We went home when Wooseok came outside. At home, I cleaned Yibo's hand and gave him an antibacterial ointment on the two chapped areas of his hand. And before we left the bathroom, he put both hands on my cheeks, lifted my head up and said, "ZhanZhan, look at me."

I looked into his eyes and he smiled. "You are the most precious thing in my life. You are my first love and you will be my last love. You and I have had tons of first times together. And even if I was with someone else before you, you mean a thousand times more to me. Because, I love you. Only you, so please don't believe what my ex said."

I hugged Yibo and kissed him. "I believe you." I said.

Yibo smiled and held me in his arms. I put my head on his shoulder, he stroked my head and said, "I'm enrolling you in a self-defense course so that you can defend yourself in case of emergency. And I want you to report your ex boyfriend. We will both go to the police and you will finally report him! Do you understand?"

"Mhm. Okay." I said.

"You're not gonna let him get away this time. And don't worry, I'll be right by your side the whole time."

"Yeah, okay. And Yibo?"


"Thank you."

"ZhanZhan, if you really want to thank me, make that report tomorrow. I don't want him coming near you again."

"I promise."

"Good. Then call He Peng in the morning and tell him we're coming by."

Maybe I should explain that shortly after our separation, my ex dragged me into his car the same way and locked me in a small room at his house for several days. He wanted me to take back the separation. At that time, He Peng saved me. Who knows what would have happened to me without him.

And who knows what would have happened if Yibo hadn't come tonight. I'm glad Wooseok understood the situation so quickly and informed Yibo.

When I go to bed tonight and Yibo holds me in his arms all night again, I know that tomorrow morning, like every other morning since one year and four months, I will wake up and be happy. Because I have Yibo, my first love and last love. I cannot love anyone else but him, because he is the best and most wonderful person I know.

I don't care who he was with before. Because he loves only me. It is me he holds in his arms and will always hold. I love him, I loved him then, I love him now and I will always love him in the future. He is my heart, my life and my whole world.

An idiot is calling... but he is cute! [YiZhan FF]✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora