-1- I'm not...

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-1- I'm not...

It has become late once again. In the office all hell broke loose again today. And all this only because the network didn't work and nobody could access this damn printer from his computer! And when the stupid network was finally running again, the printer went on strike. Too many print jobs all at once were overloading the fragile old thing that should have been in the scrap yard long ago.

Our boss then decided what to do with the printing and who was next and when. He proudly announced with his rough voice: "From now on, it's all in alphabetical order!". Great, when do you think it was finally my turn to print, for Wang Yibo? Exactly! Last!

At 8 pm it was finally my turn to print my three pages, really, only three pages. My boss, who took one last look at our office before he left, laughingly shouted to us: "Last one to turn off the lights." Hahaha, rarely laughed so much!

I know he is my boss and I am only 25 years old and should respect him. But this guy is an absolute dickhead. It could hardly get any worse. Already at my job interview he proved how few brain cells he has when he put a glass of water in front of me and almost pissed in himself with laughter when I tried to drink out of it and it was just a stupid fake glass with the liquid trapped inside.

His first question about my work as a businessman in digitization management was: "Can you handle computers?" No man, I only hit with hammer and chisel on stone tablet during my studies! What a stupid question!

Then he wanted to know when I last sat at a computer. Logical question, I was just 22 years old, fresh from university and had my laptop on my lap.

And the best question was then: "Can you imagine working in an office?" No, I'm sorry, I can't. I was thinking more of a damp cold cave when I applied specifically for this office job!

So my first impression of my new boss was confirmed in the interview. And if I had any other option, I certainly would not have taken this job.

My colleagues turned out to be mostly female, who thought that just because I was handsome and single, I am freewild for them. From day one they looked at me with their greedy eyes and drooled all over their pencils as they licked them with their tongues to show me what they were thinking about. Stupid cows! Don't they know how unhygienic that is?

And apart from the fact that I was rather disgusted by what I saw, I don't like women anyway! Until just before I graduated from university, I was in a relationship with a man. My ex boyfriend and I had been together for three years and we only split up because he wanted to work abroad and I didn't.

I have my parents who need me here. They are not the youngest anymore, can't work anymore and my father is diabetic. I have to go shopping twice a week for them, do their laundry and clean for them. I cannot do that from abroad. Of course I would have liked to have the chance to go where I want. But because my parents got me so late - my mother was already 46 years old, my father 52 - they are much older than the parents of my ex-boyfriend and depend on my help.

But somehow my ex boyfriend didn't want to understand that and so we split up even before we graduated from university. The breakup didn't go as well as most breakups do. And in the beginning I really missed him. But that changed when I fully concentrated on my graduation.

When I started to work I only found out that he had found an inferior job abroad and wanted to go home after only one week. He even tried to call me a few times, but I ignored it. Just like he ignored my calls when I needed his help when my father came to the hospital with a suspected heart attack.

At that time my car was broken and I needed him to drive me to the hospital to see my dad. But he ignored my phone calls and later only wrote me: "Since we are no longer a couple, I am not forced to answer when you call."

An idiot is calling... but he is cute! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now