-8- Hands off, mine!

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-8- Hands off, mine!

When I was about to start my way home after dinner, Zhan brought me to the front door and we hugged each other. I looked him in the eyes and kissed him. For the first time, the kiss came from me and in my own way. Zhan grinned and explained to me that he had gotten very weak knees and was already looking forward to a continuation.

I think even when I was on my way home, I still didn't realize that Zhan is really my boyfriend now. All this happened really quickly. After all, I only met him on Friday night. I can hardly count the phone calls among it.

Once home, I turned on my laptop and wrote a short email to my best friend:

Hey Seungyoun,

I haven't heard from you for a long time. I suppose you have your hands full with your job.

I just wanted to let you know that I got into a relationship today!

I think I have finally found the ideal partner for me. His name is Zhan, he acts like a little idiot, but he is very smart. He knows exactly what he wants. He makes me laugh, I like having him by my side and you know what? He is really beautiful to fall in love with. He is handsome and cute at the same time. I just had to see him and my heart reacted immediately.

My parents loved him from the first moment they saw him and his father seems to like me too.

It may be too early to say, but I think he might be the one for me.

Get in touch when you have time. And I would be happy if you and Wooseok could come visit me again. We haven't seen each other for a long time.


I sent the e-mail and ten minutes later my cell phone rang. My best friend called me and we talked for almost two hours about Zhan and me. I felt like I could talk about him for many more hours, even though I didn't meet him until Friday.

As much as I talked, I probably shocked even my best friend. Because usually he is the one who talks almost all the time and I am the one who listens. But this time we swapped roles. Then when Seungyoun said, "I'm really happy for you and hope it's something permanent with you two." I nodded. Although he couldn't see that, he said what was going through my mind too.

"I hope so, too. I've known him for two days and already now I'm totally crazy about him. He is so completely different from me, but that's what I like most about him." I replied.

After our phone call, my Sunday left quite calmly and as usual. Except in the evening when Zhan called me and we talked a bit before we went to bed. Zhan surprised me with the words: "I think it was fate that brought us together. Imagine, a few weeks ago I saw you in my store and immediately found you attractive and interesting without knowing you. And I had to think about you a lot. Then my brother changes his cell phone number in my phone and suddenly I have you on the line."

When I briefly thought about it, I agreed with him. This is really a very big coincidence. And since only my best friend, his partner and my parents have my private cell phone number, his brother couldn't have gotten it from anyone else either. So yes, maybe it really is fate.

Shortly after the phone call I went to bed and suddenly it felt very empty in there. And my arms also felt empty after Zhan had been lying in them the night before. I even fell asleep later than usual. Zhan was with me only one night, but it was enough for me to miss him now while I was falling asleep.

The morning I came into the office, I kept thinking about Zhan picking me up in the afternoon. I was already full of anticipation when my annoying boss came and asked me what happened to his assistant? How should I know? Do I look like I'm the information or do I look like I care?

An idiot is calling... but he is cute! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now