-16- The sweetest creature

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-16- The sweetest creature

Do you know this? You are watching a movie or a series about love, yes let's call it by its name, a drama, and you always ask yourself, is there really such a love where you change from a strong independent personality into a lovesick idiot? Can love really change you that way?

I have always thought it is exaggerated and much too romanticized. Yes, really. There's a series I saw once, the woman was incredibly smart and didn't put up with anything.But as soon as she fell in love, she seemed like a brainless elder who only lives for her boyfriend and cries all the time. Whoa, I was cursing and saying, love can't make you this stupid.

Or those series with strong leading actors who are absolute bad guys. And then they fall in love. Suddenly they find everything sweet about the desired woman. Even if she cries and looks like she's going to play the leading role in a horror movie, he thinks she's cute.

Well, what can I say. I guess I am that bad guy who fell in love and suddenly finds everything sweet. Only not with a woman, but with my cute idiot. We've been together for almost two months now and I think he's the sweetest creature ever.

Whether he rubs his nose when he thinks about something, when he looks embarrassed, when he laughs, when he cries during a movie, when he puts his head on my lap so that I can ruffle his hair, when he pounds his lips and waits for a kiss from me or just eats something. I think everything about him is sweet and I can't stop grinning like an idiot.

I now spend 60% of the day talking about Zhan and telling everyone how cute he is. And in the other 40% I hope, that someone will ask me about Zhan, so I can talk about him. I am completely addicted to him.

So, in summary, I'm just so incredibly in love with him that everything revolves around him. And now I get more and more annoyed every day that I didn't know about his feelings even then. Who knows, maybe he and I would have been together much longer and I would have always had him at my side.

Of course I know that it doesn't help to think about it afterwards, because I can't change anything anyway. But still it annoys me.

But back to the topic. We were in the living room last night, we watched a movie, I sat on the sofa, Zhan was lying on my lap with his head. Every now and then he turn around to give me a kiss. And suddenly he sat on my lap, put his arms around my neck, kissed me and said: "Damn of the movie, can we finally have sex?" Yeah, no kidding. I think Zhan was created especially for me.

I can't explain it in any other way. Because he really matches me perfectly. Because, Zhan is different from the characters in the series and films, where first the woman is always playing hard to get and then the man, then both come together, and the drama, they separate, before they can come together again after a long back and forth and finally be happy.

Zhan knows exactly what he wants and says it. So we skipped the part where I have to figure it all out first, maybe there's a fight when something isn't going well, and went straight to the part where Zhan tells me clearly that he want it this way and that way and no other way.

Sometimes he's even so extreme with his honesty that I wonder if he's serious or just kidding. An example for you. Zhan came to my office today to pick me up. My dumb boss has now hired someone new for the reception.

So Zhan comes to the office, the lady at reception stops him and asks him who he wants to go to. I heard Zhan say, "I want to go to my Hubby Wang Yibo." She didn't understand what he meant, and he said, "I want to see my fiancé, or almost husband, Wang Yibo."

She gives him a weird look and then asks, "What's the reason?"

Zhan smiled and said, "I want to tell him my wish."

"What wish?" She asked.

Zhan grinned even wider and said: "I wish that he could finish work soon, we could go home, eat and shower and then hopefully have sex all evening. But that's only possible if he finishes work on time and isn't too tired afterwards".

The receptionist was bright red in the face, cleared her throat and waved Zhan right through to me. Zhan nods, comes running to me, throws his arms around me and says: "I don't like her, she's too curious for my opinion."

I said, "So you just said that to her, only to shock her?"

He looks at me, grins cheekily, shakes his head and says: "I had to think about you and our last night at work and that made me horny. Can we finally go home and do it wild?" Yeah, even I got red in the face.

My cute little idiot is a real pervert, who would have thought that?

Oh yeah, I told him in the first days of our relationship: "I want us both to stick to one rule, no matter how old we are."

"Okay, what's that?" Zhan asked me.

"Every day means every day." I said.

Zhan thought for a moment and replied, "Well, I hope you won't forget that either."

But back to Pervert Zhan. I was behind the wheel of my car, having a hard time concentrating. Actually I could drive that way blindfolded. Technically! On this car ride, however, Zhan played with his fingers on my thigh and then his hand moved further and further to my very sensitive body area.

He knows exactly how fast I get horny when he touches me there. And because he wouldn't stop, and I warned him to stop *coughing*, we finally had to stop in the parking lot of an abandoned supermarket. I grabbed Zhan and we did it in the car. My first time in a car, I must admit. But I wouldn't have been able to stand the playfulness of Zhan on my hard-on until I got home. I know, now I sound perverted too.

When we got home half an hour later than usual, we wanted to pick up where we left off. But unfortunately that didn't work out. Because my best friends came to us unexpectedly. Sure, I wanted to see them again more often, but every two weeks?

On top of that, they will stay with us until the wedding. Zhan looked at me quite astonished, because he thought I had arranged it with them like that. But the two of them decided that on their own. I can't help it. I am innocent. I'M INNOCENT! Nevertheless, Zhan is grumpy now and won't talk to me. And even now that he's grumpy, he looks really cute.

Zhan is grumpy and I feel like the bad guy in a series who now has to figure out how to make the love of his life happy again.

When my best friends went into the guest room, I tugged lightly on Zhan's hoodie and asked, "ZhanZhan, are you mad at me? I can't help it. Believe me, this was not arranged. I wanted to have the evening alone with you. You know, Knick knack, just you and me, all over this apartment."

Zhan looks at me annoyed and says, "Yeah, yeah. That's what I would have said too."

I'm like, "ZhanZhan really. You know I love you and I love sleeping with you."

Zhan: "Mmm, sure."

I'm like, "Really. Babe, please. Don't be mad at me anymore. You want some ice cream? Or chocolate? I have those delicious cookies you like so much too."

Zhan: "Not hungry."

I said, "Babe, you can't really be mad at me for that."

Zhan: "Yes I can, and I am."

Me: "But why? I'm innocent."

Zhan: "I don't believe you."

Me: "What can I do to make you laugh and believe me again?"

Zhan: "Nothing!"

Me: "I'm starting to get really angry Zhan!"

Zhan: "Why?"

Me: "Because it hurts my feelings. I hate it when you're like this to me. I want you to be the same as before." I was really desperate.

Zhan: "Mhhh."

Me: "Tell me, what can I do to make you forgive me, even if I haven't done anything wrong."

Zhan: "Bedroom, blindfold and handcuffs." I look at him with big eyes. Grin, turn off the TV, throw Zhan over my shoulder and run into the bedroom with him.

I don't know what you're going to do, but I'm going to let my fiancé punish me. Is it bad if I am looking forward to it? I'll see you next time. Ciao Ciao

An idiot is calling... but he is cute! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now