-19- dispute

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-19- dispute

We have been happily married for three months now. However, we had a bad dispute today. I had been really angry. What was it about? Well, you'd better read it for yourself.

Yesterday on Friday I had a day off because we finally get new computer systems in the office, the old ones have to be removed, the new ones installed and the software checked. We can't work under these conditions and that's why our boss gave us a paid day off.

Since my aunt and uncle had been bugging me for a long time that they wanted to come and visit me again, I thought it would be the right day for it. They came at 1 pm and I was happy.

When they came into the apartment, they looked around very carefully, I thought that they were doing this to see if we were keeping order and clean. Since I know that my aunt is especially keen on something like that, I thought that's why she looked like that.

Then we sat in the living room with a hot cup of tea and suddenly my aunt asked me: "Don't you and Zhan live together at all?"

I looked at her confused and said, "Of course we do. Why do you ask?"

"Well, looking around, it looks the same. I mean, like the last time we visited before you met Zhan."

"So what?" I asked.

"Well, you live with your husband, but there's nothing to indicate that. I don't see anything here that belongs to him."

To prove her wrong, I looked around my living room and wanted to show her that she was wrong and that there are definitely belongings of Zhan here. But, there was nothing in the living room that Zhan had brought. I went to the kitchen, nothing, the guest room, nothing. Then I went into the bedroom, but apart from his clothes, nothing. And in the bathroom, there was only his cosmetics stuff.

I didn't realize that at all before. There is really nothing that Zhan brought into this apartment that points to him. I must say that I was totally embarrassed.

My aunt also said to me: "You know, even if your husband does not have the same taste as you, you should at least allow him one thing to put or hang up."

"Um, it's not like that. I mean, I don't understand why he hasn't brought any of his belongings here except his clothes." I replied. Was I that blind? Why didn't I notice that?

"It's best to ask him, not that he thinks he can't bring anything of his own." My uncle said.

When they left again at about 4 pm, I went on an intensive search for any things that Zhan might have brought with him. But none of the stuff he had in his room was found here. I mean, there was absolutely nothing!

When Zhan came home, I asked him directly, "Why does my apartment still look like I live here alone?"

Zhan frowned and asked, "What? What do you mean?"

"Well, there's nothing of yours here except your clothes."

"Yeah, so what's the problem with that?"

"That to outsiders, it looks like I live here alone. And, like, I won't allow you to bring anything of yours in here."

"Uh, what should I bring from me here?"

"Your Mangas, for example. Or your self-made sword."

"Okay, but what for? Just to show others that we live together?"

"No, Zhan. Also because this is our place, and there should be something of yours."

"I don't see it that way. I mean, nothing from my old room really fits into this apartment. And I like it very much the way it is."

An idiot is calling... but he is cute! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now