Mine, Our's, Who's?

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Aro P.O.V

"Is that all you have for me?" I removed my hand from the redheads and motioned for the guards to take her away.

"But I gave you all I could! Please! You said you would turn me" She screamed as the guards carelessly dragged her away

"That my dear was only if you provided useful evidence not trash" With her exit I turned towards my brothers and opened my mouth but Casius beat me to it

"I want her found" He stood up in agrivation and started pacing "That little wesel of a vampire defied our orders, taking the very gift we have been searching for for years! He will die but she..."

"Imagine the possibilities"

"Indeed that is all well and good but perhaps we need to find Edward and the girl first?" Marcus always stating the obvious, the calm in our storm

"Well that's the problem isnt it?! No ome knows where she is and that mother of hers was no good at all"

"Hmm, a shame" Marcus commented on a bored tone. He viewed our agenda as petty, merely a squabble with Carlise that could be resolved without bloodshed. Carlise had once been a friend but no more. His coven had grown in power and with the addition of the werewolves had sparked the hatred of Casius. It gave me all the excuse O needed to gain the power I needed and wanted. No one was to rival the Volturi.

I stared at Casius a smile forming as I envisioned a plan " Perhaps we do. Young Edward and Bella are not the only gifts we seek to require, wouldnt it be easy to find them if we had visions of the future?"

Edward P.O.V
It seemed that my loss of control last night had brought about one good thing. Bella was holding and interacting with Ben like nothing had ever happened during the first few days of his life, the bad thing was due to my outburst whatever ground I had made with Bella was lost. We were never in the same room together for more than a few seconds, in those few seconds Bella would look at me as if I was a stranger, a rabid animal that was going to attack her and Ben at any given moment. Sophia had taken a protective role with the three humans making sure I wasn't in the same room and even taking it as far as guarding Bella and Ben's room while they slept. Matteo was a constant presence by her side, moving in the shadows and watching me with hatred in his eyes.It seemed that fate was a cruel thing, I had finally gained all I had ever wanted, Bella and a baby, but our family image was anything but perfect. I had gained my family but they were slipping through cracks, cracks that I had made.

One bad decision and all the respect I had gained went flying out the window. I longed for my family, someone who wouldn't look at me with a guarded expression. The only one who seemed oblivious to my past was Benjimin. He had been my hope of restoring what Bella and I had once had, even though my past actions had been horrific whenever I held him, a part of Bella
He seemed to erase the scars of my past all with one look. Seeing Bella being a mother had just made me love her even more but as time pasted and our relationship seemed to go like a roller coaster I questioned myself. Could I excuse all of my horrendous actions just because I loved someone?

All the hurt and betrayal was never going to go away, no matter how hard I tried. It would be like a stain on our relationship, forever there haunting me. What would happen if I ever regained her trust and took her back to Forks? Jacob, my family...they wouldn't just forgive and forget and Jacob would kill me on sight. It was safer for everyone if we stayed away.

No more stress, no more anger, just a place where we could start anew. A fresh life, and with time the cracks in our family would disappear and mend. Of that I was hoping.

Falling (Sequel to Eclipse:My Jacob)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora