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Bella P.O.V
Motherhood wasn't something that slowly crept up on you and then one day you suddenly knew everything there is to know about caring for a child. Motherhood was like a ballon bursting filled with colours and sound and confetti causing you to have a sensory overload and panic.
I was in the panic stage.
Nine months I had had to get used to the idea that a little Jacob was growing inside of me, but it had been hard to grasp considering I had been kidnapped by power hunger Vampire Royalty and forced to live in a cell while my ex tortured me and the father of my child was unaware I was even pregnant and fighting for his life against said power hungry vampires. Fate it seemed, was a bitch in more ways then one. Some days I felt as if i were being punished by god for diverting from his chosen path. The Edward path, but then i felt my little Jacob kick in my stomach and i knew I would do it all over again, the concequences be damned. I was scared shitless as the possibilty of becoming a first time mother, especially given that Jacob didn't even know I was pregnant and I was doing this alone, add into the threat of Edward either killing my son or brainwashing him and the prospect of me becoming a vampire straight after his birth. I was more than panicking, I was in full fight or flight mode.

Ever since that day I had stepped foot in Forks, Washington my life had been drastically altered. Looking back there was nothing that I would take back as the particular events had caused me to find the love of my life but there were things I regretted. I missed the warm Florida sun, the simplicity of my life before I had stepped into a world where werewolves and vampires not only existed but I was in love with one. I was different person, a stronger person. Gone was the girl who tripped over everything in sight and could hardly get my words out without stumbling over them. I was still clumsy, that was a given but I had grown up. I was no longer a teenage girl but a woman and about to become a mother. Being thrust into a world where fantasy books were not only real by very dangerous would have taken it's toll on anyone. My experiences had made me into a hardened woman and i worried that if I ever escaped, hell even survived this ordeal that Jacob wouldn't regconise me.

I had learned that escape was futile, yet here I was trying to find a way out of this hell hole which was not easy since I could give birth anytime soon. My stomach ballooned out in front of me making it impossible for me to see my feet, which was a major problem for someone as vertically challenged as me, let alone walk anywhere. My mother used to tell me about the glow and the wonderful pregnancy she experienced with me. No-one told be about the aches and pains, the emotinal instability all hightned because I was a prisoner. I wanted to hold my baby boy but I knew that once he was born it would be another thing Edward was use against me in this senseless war.

Love seemed to be the centre of life, it's meaning of if was being philosophical. It seemed that love held us all at its mercy, all living things strived to find that perfect someone who would be there equal. Love drove us to do desperate as sometimes horrendous unthinkable acts all in the pursuit of this seemingly unattainable thing. Love was like a two sides of the same coin, either something wonderful or something destructive. That fear, born out of love was what drove me.

Jacob wouldn't be witnessing the birth of our child.

The thought was one a had often and each time it was like a knife in my stomach that ripped my heart to shreads each time I heard it, or thought it. It was the one thing that I knew I wpould hate Edward for till my death. It was the one thing that reminded me in bouts of Insanity when I thought Edward was being nice, that he was an evil bastard.

"Bella sweetie,What are you doing?" I jumped at the sound of Sophia's voice behind me.Turning around with a sheepish smile on my face I smiled and embraced her

"You're back from the market, How was it? Does it look beautiful with all the lights strung?" Edward had decided to announce the birth of my baby by planning a celebration that had gotten the whole town involved. We were currently living in Greece on a small island town. However my son had decided to stay inside me, it gave me giggles when I thought about it.Not even born yet and my baby had snubbed Edward.

Falling (Sequel to Eclipse:My Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now