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Dedicated to moonlight-lover for her kind comments, Dedicattion to the series and for inspiring the next chapter :)

Bella P.O.V

He was so beautiful that it hurt, only minutes old and he was staring at me with Jacobs eye's. Nothing in the world mattered more than the little piece of heaven in my arms, suddenly the world seemed to dim then come crashing down all at once.

"She's loosing alot of blood"

"Something must be torn"

"We need to get her to the house, I have medical supplies stocked up there"

"Sophia take the baby" At those words my grip around my baby became iron clad. No one was taking my baby from me ever!

"You touch my baby Sophia and you wont live another day" Yes I realized that she was a vampire but I didn't care.

"I'll take him" Edward reached for him and I weakly moved him out of Edwards reach

"Don't" I hissed

"Bella we have too,  I dont want to loose you again" He gently but firmly moved my arms taking my baby from me. We a look of guilt Edward sped off clutching the only hope I had of ever seeing Jacob again. I knew that this was a way for me to let my plan into action but just the loss of his warmth and the feeling of Jacob being near was enough to cause me to panic. I could feel death calling me promising no more pain or torturous thoughts but that once glimpse of little Bens face was holding me to the earth.

"Sophia!" The urgency in Matteo's voice was lost on me as the tide splashed my already cold body. My vision was tunnelling into black but all I could see was my baby boy clutched in Edwards hands, sucking away my baby's loving warmth.

Edward P.O.V
It seemed lately that my miserable existence was never going to let up. That day Bella had walked into Forks High School, more specifically into my biology room had forever altered me. When I had found my feelings were reciprocated by her I had hoped for a better life. It had seemed that God or whoever had decided that a monster without a soul was in fact doomed. The lion had fallen in love with the lamb but the lamb had fallen in love with the wolf. I watched, cuddling the baby on my arms as Bella was swept up into the house in a flurry of blood and clothes, Sophia stood by my side softly whispering prays in the hopes of Bella recovering. Matteo had rushed into the room with Bella as the scent of her blood became overwhelming. For once I was helpless and frightened. What of in my stupid and idiotic actions caused Bella to die and this little baby to never know his mother? Little Ben, as Bella had named him before I took him slowly started to cry as if he could already feel the loss of his mother. I stared blankly into his little face, knowing that I held in my hands the one thing that I could use to get Bella back but as I watched him slowly calm himself and open his chocolate brown eyes I felt something snap, as if the universe had slowly righted itself again. Sophia's prays suddenly stopped as we heard the silence and then the sharp intake of breath as Bella started breathing again.

Days of uncertainty passed as Bella slept and healed. Matteo had managed to stop the bleeding and patch her up however if she ever got pregnant again it would be very high risk.  Ben demanded my attention day and night while Bella healed and I was slowly starting to love this child like he was my own. It was so easy for me to imagine being a dad, for this to become my family. Thinking of family brought a little sadness to my mind. I missed Esme and Carlise. Even Rose, Emmett, Jasper and Alice. I couldn't date face them after what I had done, I could barely face myself in the mirror let alone my family. But I still wasn't the same Edward they had known, I was more ruthless and manipulative, less so than just after Bella leaving me for Jacob but I wasn't the same.

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