Chapter 6

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What if you....Ignored any mistakes....Haha just kidding....Unless?

Anyways im doing this instead of doing hw💕

Anyways i dont wanna be here all day and get in trouble so off to do hw i go

Update: finished my hw!! :D


Shuichi POV::

Kokichi fell asleep on me, he looked really peaceful...And cute. I got up to lay him on his bed, but once I did he wouldn't let go of me. Guess ill lay down with him, haha.

I layed down next to him, holding him in my arms. He was clinging onto me, like an over-sized Koala. I ran my fingers through his hair, soon falling asleep myself.

<sexy time skip>

Still Shuichi POV::

"S-Shuichi?!" I winced at the loud noise, but reluctantly opened my eyes. Kokichi stared at me, red-faced and wide-eyed.

"Need something?" I winked, which just made his face grow in color.

"Why are you on my bed..?"

"You fell asleep on me, remember?"

"That doesn't exactly explain why you're on my bed."

"I tried outting you down, but you just held on tighter. So i cuddled you." I smiled.


"Haha, no it's fine. I wouldn't mind cuddling you more often." I teased him.

"Shut up you dummy.." he pouted. I chuckled and sat up, taking out my phone.

"Ah, it's about 8pm." I told him.

"Already? Hm..Its Friday isn't it? Wanna stay the night?"
[A/N: i have no idea what day it was if i ever stated it in the previous chapter, and im go lazy go check so its Friday now shut up]

"I'd love too." I smiled. "Ah, i don't have anything to wear though."

"Don't worry about it, pretty sure I have a bunch of oversized clothes. You can wear that!" he said with his 'signature laugh', as people call it. He got up, saying he was gonna bring me clothes, so I just sat there when I got a call.

Kaede is calling.
[Accept]     [Deny]

Seriously? I really don't want to talk to her, but if I ignore, she'll just spam me. I groaned as I pressed accept.


'Sweetchi! Hey!'


'So, I wanted to know if you wanted to maybe go hang out tomorrow..?' she said in a sickeningly sweet voice that made me want to gag.

"I can't. Busy."  I lied. The door opened to reveal a Kokichi holding some clothes. Once he realized i was on the phone, he made sure to be quiet while shutting the door.

'Aww cmon! You can just cancel, right? For me...?'

"Kaede, I can't cancel." I said, getting frustrated. "It's something important, so please leave me alone."

'What is it? I'll go with you!'

"You can't come with me, Kaede."

'Aww...Fine. Can we just talk for now...?'

"Fine, but only for a little bit. Im kinda busy right now." I sighed.

'Yippee!! So, how's your song coming along?' of course she'd ask that.

I Cant Help Falling In Love With You | SaiOuma AuWhere stories live. Discover now