Chapter 1

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Totally did not use a song title for the fanfic name haha what

*gets ideas for a future chapter*

Ignore any mistakes❤


Kokichi POV::

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" cold water was splashed on my face.

"EULGH-" I sat up, shivering. Who the hell dumps cold water on a sleeping person?! Miu Iruma. Thats who, "MIU, WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Oh shush, you woulda been late if it werent for me!" she threw a towel at my face.

"Ugh, whatever. Just let me change ill be outside in a minute." I rolled my eyes a dried off. She left the room, muttering something about a...New student? Ill ask her about it later.

I put on the white button-up shirt and the khaki pants on. I dont like the blazer, but I had to put it on if I didnt wanna get detention again. Finally I got my checkered scarf and wrapped it around my neck.

Once i was ready, I went to the kitchen and yoinked a bottle of panta from the fridge. Fuck breakfast all my homies hate breakfast.

"Sup bitch, lets go." I said while opening the bottle. I also took out my phone, we always listened to music together on our way to school and back.

"Seriously? Panta?"

"Uh, yeah. Anyway I heard you talking to yourself about a 'new student'?" I plugged in the earbuds and put the right one in, giving her the left one. We were listening to my favorite music artist, 'Shu-Hara'.
((A/N: hAh im not funny))
I would say hes a favorite....Totally dont have a room full of posters of him, whaat? Noo...

"Oh yeah! Heard his name was something like...Shoe-itchy? Probably pronounced it wrong. Isnt that the same name as the singer your obsessed with?"

"Its 'Shuichi'. And im not obsessed! You have no proof." I crossed my arms and pouted. That was clearly a lie and everyone knew it.

"Uh-huh, sure. Anyway, we're here." She pushed me a bit just to bother me. Time to be an annoying little shit.

"WAAAHHHHH MIU PUSHED MEEEE!!!!! YOU'RE SO MEAN!!!" I burst into fake tears and she hit me upside the head, "Ow!" I didn't notice that no one was around.

"Whatever twink, hurry up!"

"Yeah, yeah, wait for me!" we ran to class, and little did I know..

"Huh." I looked into an empty classroom, "Miu, what the fuck?"

"Oh, yeah. About the being late thing, we're actually early! I changed the time on you're alarm." she said smugly. She probably just wanted an excuse to dump water on me.

"Uuuuugggghhhh, seriously?!"

"Hey! At least you have more time to obsess over a certain blue-haired singer!" she sat next to me. Though it wasnt her actual seat, it didnt matter since no one was here, "I wanna listen, give."

I gave her the left earbud again and we just listened to his music. Honestly, he sounded really hot. I mean, he is hot, sooo...

"Hey, little shit, you're blushing. Ha! Am I that hot?! I knew it!" she said proudly.

"Huuuh? No way in hell, you whore."


<Mteim skip>

Kokichi POV::

After a while, students started to fill the classroom. Including me, there were 15 students in total. Well, for now anyway, since apparently theres a new student. Hope Kaito doesn't hurt 'em too bad. I mean, he only ever beats me up, but ya never know.

I Cant Help Falling In Love With You | SaiOuma AuWhere stories live. Discover now