Chapter 4

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Itd be so sexy if u ignored any mistakes ahaha


Shuichi POV((ooo emos first pov))::

I was making my way [downtown, walking fast-] to the park where Kokichi said he was. I wasnt really sure why, but I was excited. Way more excited then I should have been. Despite being flirtatious and good with romantic stuff, Ive never been in a relationship or anything. Surprising, right? Youd think someone like me would have a bunch of experience, but nope! Ive never been in a relationship or been on a date at all. I have had my first kiss, but that was because i was playing truth or dare with some old friends a long time ago. It didnt really mean anything to us though, she was more into girls, and i was more into guys. Specifically guys that are short and have purple hair with sparkling purple eyes to match, whose hair basically defies gravity and name starts with a 'K'.

I know, I know. We basically just met today. But i cant help it! Hes just so cute and small...Fragile, even. I wonder how he would handle me pou– nope! Nope. Stop thinking that, Shuichi. Itd make him uncomfortable. I sighed. Jeez, I really have to control myself.

Before I knew it, I was at the park. But...He was no where to be seen. Did he lie? Or did he not wanna come? A pang of sadness overcame me as I looked around. Yep...Nowhere. I was about to leave, until–

"Saihara-chan!! Over here!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I looked over, and sure enough, he was there. How did I not notice him?

"Ah, sorry! Didnt see you there. You're just way to short!" I teased.

"WAAAAHHHH! SHUMAIS SO MEAN!" he cried. Even if they were fake, I still felt guilty.

"Ah, does that offend you or something? Sorry I didnt mean to–"

"Nishishi! Im just kidding, Shumai!" the tears were gone in a flash, and replaced with a wide grin.

"Ah, so I was right? They were fake, huh? Still, I feel kinda guilty."

"Aww! Shumai cares about my feelings! How sweet~"

"Well of course I care about your feelings! Why wouldnt I?"

"Meh, who knows! Aaaanyways, I thought Shumai was gonna take me on a daaate!"

"Right, lets go then." I smiled softly at him. He always seems to blush whenever I smile...Its cute. I took his hand in mine and laced our fingers together. His cheeks were dusted in a light pink.

"Jeez Shumai...Premarital hand holding? How unholy!" he giggled.

"Ah, it seems I must let go, hm?" I let go, teasing him. He pouted and grabbed my hand once again.

"Oh no you dont. You already did it, no use taking it back now!" he stated.

"Seems like you just wanna hold my hand, but im not complaining." I winked at him. He stayed silent as his face grew in color.

<Time skip brought to you by my head still hurting for days nonstop❤boönk>

Third person POV::

"-And then she pushed me down the stairs and Miu just laughed! I couldnt believe it!" Kokichi and Shuichi were at the coffee shop, and Kokichi was telling Shuichi a story about how Tenko pushed him down the stairs.

The singer chuckled, "Ill make sure she doesnt do it again, kay cutie?" he winked.

"Supreme Leaders do not need help! But, uh..Thanks for offering." the smaller looked to the side, covering his face with his scarf.

"Yknow, its really cute when you blu-" the blue-haired boy was cut off by his phone ringing, "Ah, its Kaede...Ill be back, ok?" he stood up and walked outside. He seemed slightly annoyed?

I Cant Help Falling In Love With You | SaiOuma AuWhere stories live. Discover now