This madness I'm creating in my mind has got to stop.


Spending this night at the top of the Empire State Tower with Maggie until passed midnight is one of the best things I've done. There was no moment wasted.

When I saw her staring at the city, I can't help but to admire her. She's really something. I have to assess now my feelings towards her. This is not normal to feel irritated whenever she's with Douglas. And it's not also normal to feel this happy whenever I'm with her.

It's a different kind of happy. A happiness where I will not be able to feel with others. This is the kind of happy only Maggie can make me feel.

She was always special for me, but now is kinda different. No. Real different. I do not know if it's a good different or not.

Do I like her? Yes. Now, that's settled.

I felt like hugging her, so I did. But it kinda hurts when she pulled away from me. I can feel that she was weirded out by my actions.

When Where We Land started playing, I asked her to dance with me. I was kinda afraid that Maggie might turn me down but she didn't.

I pulled her closer to me and she just slightly slapped my chest. I chuckled at her action. She's really adorable.

Treat me beneath this clear night sky
And I will lie with you

This song perfectly describes what I feel about Maggie. She rests her head on my chest and I carefully caressed her hair.

I start to feel those butterflies
When I'm next to you
Tell me your secrets
Give me a friend
Let all the good times flood in
Do I love you?
Do I hate you?
I can't make up my mind
So let's freefall
See where we land

I started assessing my feelings again because I feel like 'like' is just an understatement on what I really feel about her. I know there's something more about all of these.

Because I'm somehow thinking about long term plans with her. And this is unusual, I guess. If I only like her, why would I ever think about spending the rest of my life with her? Why am I in pain whenever I think of her and Douglas spending forever?

It's been this way since we were young
We'll fight and then make up
I'll breathe your air into my lungs
When I feel your touch
Tell me your secrets
Give me a friend
Let all the good times flood in
Do I love you?
Do I hate you?
I can't make up my mind
So let's freefall
And see where we land

Okay, this is it.

Do I love her?


Yes, I do love Maggie.

And I will do everything to have her. I can't lose her again. I have to tell her how I feel about her. I cannot waste another moment without telling her that I am in love with her.

I'm really happy right now that I've finally assessed my feelings towards her! No more confusions. I love her, I certainly do!

The sun is about to go up when I dropped her off her apartment. It was really a fun night with her and I definitely want to do it again.

When I got home, I immediately went to my room to avoid any questions from the boys. But I believe they're still asleep, so I can say that it's safe. For now...

I don't know how long I've been asleep but I feel so recharged and hungry. I looked at my phone and saw that it's already afternoon.

I should get down, I'm really damn hungry.

On my way to the kitchen, I saw the boys sitting on the sofa, playing video games. When they noticed me, they hurriedly went to the kitchen counter. They're looking suspicious and all, but I don't get it? Why are they looking at me like that???

"Where have you been?" Harry asked as he offered me the box of my Coco Pops.

"Who was with you?" Niall added and handed me the milk from the refrigerator.

Liam handed me the bowl and asked "And what time did you go home?"

"Why can't you answer?" Zayn pouted at me as he put the spoon on the bowl, which made Liam move a little bit, and then poked my cheeks.

I chuckled at their questions because I know for a fact that they know what exactly the answers to the questions they are asking me. They just want me to blurt it out to them.

"Okay, okay." I chucked as I pour milk on my bowl "I'll tell you everything, ladies."

"Every single details." Niall told me and I looked at the other boys who are squinting their eyes on me.

The Sass Masta from Doncasta is being interrogated! OH NO!!!!

After telling them every single thing that happened last time, they started flooding me with questions again! When will these people leave the carrot boy alone???? I WANT TO HAVE A ME TIME WITH MY COCO POPS!

"Dude, do you like her?" Niall asked me. Do I like her? OF COURSE NOT! That was already settled!!!

I sighed because I know I don't like her. "No, I'm afraid not." I answered him and smirked.

Liam shrugged "The way you look at Maggie doesn't seem like a friend, and now you're telling us that you don't like her?"

"IDIOT!" Harry exclaimed and smack my head. I glared at him and he just gave me a peace sigh and kissed my head. My oh, so sweet, Hazza!

"Yeah, and also the way you get mad whenever she's with Douglas." Zayn shook his head, he's in disbelief! Ha!

The way I look at her? Was that really obvious?

"Okay, lads." I told them and put my milk down. I looked at them and they're patiently waiting for my answer "Last night, I've assessed my feelings towards her."

"And then?" Niall moved a little closer to me with a huge grin on his face. One by one, I looked at the face and they all have the same expression on their faces!

"I realized that I love her..."

Their eyes widened and the smile on their face grew larger!!! They're really surprised by my answer. Well, I am also surprised. But I am happy because I know what I feel about her.

My next move is how will I tell her about how I'm feeling? I'm surely not letting her go. Louis Tomlinson is not a quitter! I'M NOT BACKING DOWN!

Where We Land (Louis Tomlinson // One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now