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I just want to get up one morning,
And realize all of this was a prolonged dream.

Sometimes I get this hollow feeling,
A feeling that everything is wrong, when nothing is.

There are days when I want to cry in pain,
But there's no reason to do it at all.

I want to simply die;
The unanswered question is 'Why?'

I want to get up and be useful,
But I know I'm not and that makes me beat myself up.

Am I only crying for attention?
Or does this feeling have something true to it.

I honestly am frustrated right now;
Frustrated with myself, with life, with everything.

I want to vent it out somewhere, but where?
Stop labeling me a 'baby' or a 'bitch'.

Please someone, end this torment.
Please someone, take me away.

I'm scared, I don't know why;
But I don't want to live this way.

I hope one day, someone will fill this hollow space,
Till then I'm just going to wait for them.

But how will I know whom to trust,
With all this paranoia?

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