Chapter eleven

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"I don't remember this way." Susan stated.

"That's the problem with girls. You can't carry a map in your heads." Peter retorted.

"That's because our heads have something in them." Talia exclaimed, still a little shaken up from last night's dream. The other girls laughed at her response.

The six were walking to the heart of Narnia, following Peter's directions, who led the way. Behind him walked the two sisters, then Edmund, Talia and Trumpkin.

"I wish he'd just listen to the D.L.F in the first place." Susan whispered to her sister.

"D.L.F?" Edmund questioned.

"Dear Little Friend." Lucy replied, and Talia sent a mocking smile in the direction of Trumpkin.

"Oh, that's not at all patronising, is it?" Trumpkin retorted, sarcastically.

"I think it's sweet." Talia spoke.

Trumpkin sighed, "very funny."

Ahead Peter grew increasingly confused, "I'm not lost." he mumbled, staring at a dead end.

"Sure, looks it." Talia whispered to Edmund, who scoffed in response.

"No." Trumpkin replied, "You're just going the wrong way."

"You last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Woods, and the quickest way there is to cross the River Rush." Peter declared, frustrated.

"But unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts." spoke Trumpkin.

"That explains it, then. You're mistaken." said Peter, still adamant that he was in the right. He walked off ahead of the others, and they reluctantly followed behind.

"Is he always like this?" Talia questioned Edmund, out of earshot from the elder boy.

"Not usually this bad." he replied. The pair had fallen behind the others, bored of walking aimlessly. They both knew that they were going the wrong way, trusting Trumpkin, but neither wanted to speak against Peter.

The six continued onwards until they reached a cliff face that looked over the River Rush.

Susan sighed, "You see, over time, water erodes the earth's soil carving deeper-"

"Oh, shut up." Peter spoke.

"Is there a way down?" Edmund asked Trumpkin and Talia.

"Yeah, falling." Talia smiled.

"Well, we weren't lost." Peter declared.

"There's a ford near Beruna." Trumpkin spoke, "How do you feel about swimming?"

"I'd rather that than walking." spoke Susan.

"Not us you have to worry about," Edmund interjected, attempting to lighten the mood, "worry about the Telmarine here." nudging Talia.

Talia smiled sarcastically, "you are quite the Jester." and the pair began to walk away following Trumpkin.

"... Aslan?" they heard Lucy question. "It's Aslan! It's Aslan over there!" everyone turned to face her direction. "Don't you see, he's right... there." but there was nothing to be seen.

"Do you see him now?" Trumpkin asked, mockingly, and Talia nudged him, silently begging him to be quiet.

"I'm not crazy." Lucy declared. "He was there. He wanted us to follow him."

The Call To The Old - An Edmund Pevensie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now