New School #2

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Art and music are not owned by me. Belongs to the rightful owners. Characters are fictional. Thanks for understanding!

Talk - Y/N: Hey.

Thoughts - Y/N: Atleast I'm safe in my mind...



It's a new day for Y/N L/N.

Y/N felt the sun shining on his eyelid then turn the other way continue sleeping. However, Y/N's Mom lightly knocks on Y/N's door.

Mom: Y/N-kun~ today is your first day of new school!

Y/N: I miss my old friends... Back where I from my old school some of my friends and best friends left. I hope I could find one of them here. Coming Mom!

Y/N sitting up, stretch his arms hearing satisfying pops. He sigh and went downstairs still wearing his pajamas.

Y/N: I wondering what's for breakfast.

He thought.



Our house is pretty spot on, thanks to our new neighbors that help us bringing our stuff at our home. Their very kind!

When I go down stairs I see nobody in the kitchen, when I check living room their not there either.

Y/N: Hmmm... they left pretty quickly.

I held my chin then sniff.

I went to the kitchen then I notice there is a piece of note on the fridge. I took it and read.

"Hey kid...uh...your breakfast is ready and make sure to lock the doors. There is a spear key on table if you come home from school early. Take care and don't die."

I roll my eyes, crumple the note then throw in the trash. I look at the table only seeing two egg sandwiches with a glass of water. My first day of school starts 8:50, I look at my phone seeing it was 7:00.

Y/N: huh... my parents really up early, I wonder what they're doing over there?


Y/N's Dad POV


Dad: Honey... why do we have to get up so early. -_-

Mom: ugh baka... because we are doing our first meeting with our boss. We have to introduce ourselves and get ready. Straight up your clothes honey.

Dad: Bloody hell woman, you only do computer, while I only do Janitor things like cleaning or some sort. Also, push your skirt down it's a bit revealing.

Mom: *blush* I'll do it when we get there...

Dad: uh huh. Sure.

There is a moment of silence both of us looking straight on the road while my wife still driving. I look on my right seeing starbucks.

Dad: Hey... theres starbucks over there! Can we-

Mom: No.

Dad: I didn't sleep well.

Mom: I am your wife and its final so it is a no.

Dad: But can I atleast-

Mom: Do you want us to lose our job on the first day.

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