Cat Fight #4

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Today is still getting wierd but I made a friend name Ana, she seems pretty nice, well kinda-ish... After lunch I went to the gym and do 100 push ups and 100 sit ups. My classmates kinda shock seeing me doing alot of push ups and sit ups. Kenji tries to stop me but I kindly denied.

The teacher looks at me thinking I'm gonna break my body or something so I stop. The my classmates got very concerned for body which I'm perfectly fine since I did workout at home.

Y/N: Hey uh Kenji.

Kenji: Ya?

Y/N: I haven't test my strength yet. Do you have a punching machine around here?

Kenji: Oh that? It's right over there.

Kenji: Oh that? It's right over there

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Y/N: That's boxing machine.

Kenji: What's a difference?

Y/N: -_-

I get up, stretch my right arm and reel it back but-

Kenji: Wait! It's not on yet.

Y/N: oh. Then, how do you turn the thing on?

Kenji: There is a switch in the back. I believe.

I look behind the machine and switch the red thing on. I look back to the machine and it says the score zero.

Y/N: Kenji, what is the high score of this?

Kenji: 420.

Y/N: Ha... wait for real?

Kenji: Yep! :)

Y/N: ...Alright here it goes...

I feel back my right arm a bit and use my full strength punch the machine.


Y/N: ._.

Classroom: O[]O

Y/N: um... much this machine cost?

Random Student: uh... about 5,000$...

Teacher: Alright class, sorry I'm late we were- WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN HERE!?!?

Y/N: ...gotta go!




Narrator POV

It is another day for same morning routine. Y/N went to cook grill cheese because his parents didn't have time to cook for him, he was fine about it and decided to cook by himself anyway. He took a sniff of melting cheese satisfying the smell from the pan. He pick up the the grill cheese sandwich with a spatula putting on the plate, cut the sandwich in half and wait for few minute to cool down.

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