The Date #5

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Phew... it's been a while since work. Enjoy the new chapter!



After the incident, me, Kenji and the boys having a chitchat in the cafeteria talking about random things and some are talking about giant lizard vs monke. I still can't forget what happen today, it is really strange that Miku and Mikasa is fighting over me... I wonder why. Kenji take a glance on my and notice that I didn't ate my lunch yet. He scooted towards me a little and ask.

Kenji: Hey Y/N, are you alright?

I slowly look back at him.

Y/N: Yeah... well, sort of.

Kenji: Is about that thing in the morning?

Y/N: *looks away* Yah that.

It was a moment of silence then I started to break an ice.

Y/N: I just... have a feeling something's bad gonna happen.

Kenji: I have a feeling too but hey atleast I am very far away from them.

Y/N: So that's why you sometimes came to school late.

Kenji: Hey! My dad has a pretty early schedule y'know. I have to run myself to get there.

Y/N: Heh. Ok ok.

Kenji: I heard you got a little stronger since you sometimes workout in your house. Wanna try do arm wrestle?

Y/N: For real? Come on-

Kenji: Let's try it. Or you just being baby.

Y/N: Ugh Christ... Fine! Let's do this.

Kenji: Heck yeah dude! Hey Elon, you'll be a referee!

Elon: Alright.

Me and Kenji grapple each other hands and Elon started for the countdown.

Kenji: Lets see what you got.

Y/N: I wish he didn't ask for this...

Elon: Alright you two ready?

Kenji: Yup.

Y/N: Mmh.

Elon: Alright on three. One-

*tik* *tik* *tik* *tik* *tik*

Five Seconds Later...

*tik* *tik* *tik* *tik* *tik*

After pushing my weakest strength, Kenji is completely launch against the wall. Causing a lot of attraction around the cafeteria.

Y/N: ._.;


Timeskip After School

Me and Kenji finally out of school, Kenji has a ice pack on his head. I apologize Kenji for sending him to the wall but he immediately accept so that's a good news, he also gave me a thumb up with a toothy grind.

After we went out of school I realized something is not right. I stop my track and look behind us, seeing it wasn't there but bunch of students walking passed us while talking. Kenji notice my concerns.

Kenji: Hey, are your alright?

Y/N: ...

Kenji: Its about those two girls isn't it?

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