Academy Correspondence

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Dear Miss Sorenson,

It is with delight that I welcome you as a student and member of the Academy.

As we discussed in our meeting on the 24th December 2014, you will be enrolled as what we refer to as a Lone Agent and will be trained accordingly in such areas as self defense, languages and music.

Encliosed is a list of your required classes and who will be in charge of the subjects. If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact your professors through their provided numbers.

I know that the information I passed on about your status as a Ghost Bird came as a shock and I am truly sorry that I was the one to have to pass it along but I am glad to see that you understand the significance and importance of your cooperation in our program.

On the event of their awakening, Mr Blackbourne and his team will be lucky to have you join them as a trained asset.

Enjoy the holidays and I look forward to our next meeting,

Mrs Harriet Becker

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