Part 16: Present

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“What fun that night was,” I almost felt like laughing as I hung through the front passenger window of Jesse’s car and reminisced on the cat and mouse that I had spent hours playing with the thief.

We had managed to capture him but not before he’d led us on a merry chase through the theatre and I’d been forced to duck into numerous different private boxes, thus ensuring that I had been thrust into the awkward position of having to explain my presence.

“Thank you for the help. You were a delightful companion,” Blayde murmured from his place in the back seat.

“You as well,” I replied and waved to them all before I turned to Ryan and indicated that he should precede me through the front entrance.

While the others were eager to go home, Ryan’s grandfather had been placed in the hospital due to a lung complaint and Ryan had offered to escort me to the boy’s room before he continued on his way.

“You did well,” he praised, “Are you hungry?”

I shook my head, “I nibbled for most of the night. They had good mini sandwiches.”

He chuckled, “I won’t tell Uncle that you said that.”


He chuckled again and held the elevator door open for me.

The rest of the trip was filled with a comfortable quiet. Ryan’s thoughts were his own and mine were filled with bitter disappointment. Dr Roberts had made me a promise that if the boy’s situation changed he would contact me immediately.

There had been no word which meant that I was looking at another night spent in silence.

“Here we are,” Ryan tapped on the door, “I might come in and say hello.”

I just nodded, “I know that you used to talk to Kota on occasion.”

“Yes,” he smiled wistfully, “We used to sometimes make a competition of our team’s successes. Kota had a buried mischievous side sometimes.”

“I wish I’d seen more of it.”

He pushed open the door and I stepped through. The room was dimmed but I could still see clearly and what I saw had me freezing so suddenly that Ryan tripped on the back on my dress. He stumbled into my back and grabbed a hold of my hips.

Movement came from the beds and I saw a dark head lift, dark eyes narrow on the both of us, “What the fuck is going on?”



She certainly was beautiful as I stood quietly by her side in the elevator. I couldn’t fault Sam for his interest but she had been firm in her aversion to the idea of dating anyone and the majority of my brothers respected that.

Except Sam. He was beginning to become a problem where Sang was concerned and I knew that tonight would have to be the time where I began thinking of a way to get it resolved before she decided that working with us wasn’t worth the hassle.

Damn him and his play boy attitude. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone?!

I followed her through the quiet corridor until we finally stood outside the room that held her family. It blew my mind how much loyalty she had towards them. Tonight made a whole year that they had remained asleep, and yet through it all, she had stood firm in her determination to stay with them.

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