"Jungkook-ah! Come here," your mother called Jungkook as your twin brother stood beside her as she proudly held his shoulders and that moment, you wished that she would act that way with you too as you're sick and tired of being compared to him just because he's the better child, the better one.

Then, you heard Jungkook sing as your mother's friends clapped for him as he bowed politely and smiled shyly. Typical Jungkook who gets shy when he gets complimented. He walked away from your mother's circle of friends as he went back to playing his video games with his friends who's all older than him.

"Aigoo, it would be lovely to have him as a son."

"Correct. By the way, Yoora, you have a daughter right? Jungkook's younger twin. Why don't you tell us things about her? We haven't heard of her even a small thing about her coming out of your mouth," your eyes sparkled in joy as you expected good things that your mother will say.

"Ah... her name is Y/N. She's seven minutes younger than Jungkook, there's nothing much to say about her, oh! You know that Jungkook could dance too, right? He learned a choreogr..."

your eyes welled up with tears as you stood up from your seat and went to your shared bedroom with Jungkook as you bit your lip and once again realized that you will always be the worthless one and you would never beat Jungkook. Your heart broke when your mother said such basic things about you, you even doubt that she knows your favorite color.

The way she shifted the topic to Jungkook again made your heart broke as you went under your duvet and cried your heart out alone, not caring that you're basically ruining your sixteenth birthday party downstairs.

Walking out of the class with your bag dangling on one shoulder as you went towards your locker to put some of your textbooks that you don't need at home as you bowed at the older students who's passing by at you as you stopped in front of your black and minimalistically decorated locker as you punched in the code.

Stuffing your textbooks in your locker, someone suddenly swinged his arm on your shoulder as you instantly recognized him by his signature perfume that lingers in your shared bedroom.

"Hey twin sis," he said as you rolled your eyes and took the gummies from your locker and shoved it on Jungkook's chest making him gasp as you slammed your locker shut and walked away from him.

"Yah! Wait for me—See you tomorrow, Hyungies!" he bid goodbye to his friends as he skipped towards your direction as he once again swinged an arm over your shoulder as the both of you made your way to the exit of the school while he's munching on the gummies that you gave him but what he didn't know that it's been in your locker for about two months already.

"How's your semester grades? I got a low one this semester," he said as you rolled his eyes as his low grade must've been your highest grade and his failing grade is also your highest grade.


"Oh by the way, Mom texted me and said that Grandma is coming to Busan. She'll be staying with us for a couple of days before going back to Tokyo. Just a quick st—" he was cut off by your sudden shout as you gathered attention from the other students but you didn't care.

"What?! Grandma is coming?" you said with wide eyes as you already felt like crying, does life really hate you this much?

"Why? What's wrong with Grandma coming over? Who knows, she probably bought us new shoes and you know, I've been wanting Jordan's." he said as he smiled as you let out a shaky sigh and walked away from him as you already felt worse and imagined what would dinner tonight would be.

"I'm officially going to die."

The dinner is unusually quiet as your Grandmother who likes to have peaceful dinners is sitting beside Jungkook, her favorite grandchild while you're sitting beside your Grandfather who luckily don't hold favorites but you know you're his secret favorite grandchild.

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