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"Why do I have to go?" You asked while hiding in the bathroom to avoid going to the doctor

"So we will know that you're healthy! And that there's no problems with you!" Jungkook said

"But they will give me shots that will make my arm go numb throughout the day! And they will make me drink gross medicines and vitamins that I don't even need!" You shouted

Jungkook sighed

"I'm gonna buy you an ice cream afterwards" Jungkook said

You hesitated for a moment, Jungkook knows that you will do everything to have ice cream.

"Are you sure?" You asked

"Yes!" Jungkook said

"Fine.." You said as you opened the bathroom door

"Go change your clothes" Jungkook said before leaving your room

Today is the day for your annual  check-up you hated it. But Jungkook will always drag you to the car. You quickly wore your clothes then headed downstairs

"Ready?" Mrs. Jeon asked you. Jungkook was already in the car waiting for you

"I'm scared, Mom. The doctors will stab me with needles, and will make me drink bitter medicines" You said while pouting

Mrs. Jeon chuckled.

"They don't stab you, Y/N-ah. They just make sure that you're a healthy and a happy kid" Mrs. Jeon said


You are now in the hospital, waiting for your name to be called

"I need to pee. Can I go to the bathroom?" You asked Jungkook who is beside you

"Yeah. Just make it fast" Jungkook said

You stood up from your seat then went to the bathroom. You went inside a clean cubicle then did your business. You stayed at the cubicle, hoping that Jungkook or your parents will not find you.


"Where is she?" Mrs. Jeon said

"She went to the bathroom" Jungkook said

"Check on her. Maybe she needed help" Mrs. Jeon said

Jungkook nodded, putting his phone on his pocket

Jungkook peeked at the ladies' bathroom.

"Y/N-ah?" Jungkook called you, his voice echoing

Jungkook entered the bathroom carefully. He saw a closed cubicle and he knew you were there

"Y/N, are you there?" Jungkook knocked at the door

"Go away!" You said

"Open the door" Jungkook said

You didn't answer but Jungkook heard a click.

"I'm scared" You said

"You're not the only one who has to get a check-up" Jungkook said

"You need it too?" You asked him

"Uh-huh" Jungkook said

"Then it means.. That you need to get shots too? And your arm will be numb too?" You asked him

Jungkook nodded

"Are you scared of them?" You asked

"No. They just want to help you" Jungkook said

You didn't answer. Jungkook sat down on his seat then put you in his lap

"Jeon Y/N and Jeon Jeongguk?" The nurse called out

Jungkook put you down then kissed your forehead before going to the other room for his appointment

"Please sit her down here" The Doctor said

Mrs. Jeon carried you and made you sit in the bed

The doctor did what they usually do

Get your blood pressure, your heartbeat, and all the things the doctors will do

"Here comes the hard part. Have you had a shot before Y/N-ah?" The doctor asked you

You widened your eyes. You don't want to get a shot

"She had it before" Mrs. Jeon answered

"This will not hurt, okay?" The doctor said

Lies. Your a liar! You thought

The doctor lifted your sleeve then wiped alcohol.

The doctor pushed the needle in your arm, you let out a wail. But the doctor continued to push the needle like it happened a lot before

"You did well, Y/N-ah!" The doctor said as he let you choose a bandage


You went out of the room and saw Jungkook already sitting outside the room

You ran to Jungkook then hugged him

Jungkook lifted you up then hugged you back tightly. But not that tight, he wants his sister to have a very long life and enjoy things that a normal person enjoys

"Aw.. Did my Y/N cried?" Jungkook said

You nodded.

"They stabbed me with a needle" You complained

"Where?" Jungkook asked you

You pointed at your upper arm. Jungkook kissed the bandaged part carefully.

"Better?" Jungkook asked you

"Better" You said while smiling

Mr. And Mrs. Jeon was watching you both interact. They were smiling the whole time.

"Let's get Y/N's ice cream!" Jungkook said as he ran to the exit. Leaving Mr. And Mrs. Jeon behind

 Jeon behind

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