Smoking | 17

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Chapter requested by MinHalla. Thanks for requesting and hope you guys like it!

One curse word ahead:›

Suicidal thoughts always fills up your mind. Especially after all the bullies started hurting you physically and your so-called friends leaving you.

You decided to end your life few weeks ago but thoughts of your brother crying and grieving over your death made you go weak.

Instead, you decided to not die easily, but to die slowly and in the way where you'll suffer.

Smoking, the way that you thought of when you planned your death.

You remembered how your Uncle died because of Lung Cancer as he's inhaling way too much smoke from the cigarettes that he's always taking.

At first, you hesitated as you remembered how your Grandmother warned all of you to not try to smoke cigarettes as she doesn't want any of her grandchildren suffering the same way her son did.

Even though it's against your will, you have to do it to end all your sufferings and sadness.

"Aren't you too young to buy this?" The convenience store cashier asked as he eyed you suspiciously

You gulped, "I-It's for my f-father.. He asked me to buy it"

The cashier hesitantly nodded as he gave you the plastic bag that contains a box of cigarette and a lighter.

You went to a small abandoned where you and your brothers used to play.

You light the cigarette stick as you carefully placed it between your lips.

You felt the smoke went down to your lungs as you finally realized why smokers like to smoke.

They love the feeling and taste of smoke going down to their lungs.

You exhaled the smoke as the gray smoke flew with the winter air.

You sighed as air from your mouth flew with the winter air again,

You placed your freezing hands on your hoodie pocket as you closed your eyes feeling the cold air slap your body.

Like what they said, when you smoke once, you can never escape...


"Jungkook! I'll be out for a minute! I just need to buy something." You said as you wore your shoes.

You saw Jungkook nod as you went out of the door smiling as the snow is slowly melting, as winter is coming to and end, and spring is slowly waving.

You went to your usual place, the playground.

You sat down on the swing as you took out a cigarette stick, lighting it up and inhaling the smoke.

Little did you know, someone is there, with his son, watching you from a far, tears in his eyes.

"Y/N?" Jin called out as your eyes went wide as you immediately drop the cigarette stick.

You saw Jin holding their 3-year-old son, Youngjin's face showed that he's confused.

"Shit.." You mumbled as you stood up and ran, and ran, until you lost them.

Jin was left there holding his son's hand, dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, you stood there, days where you smoke hitting you like a truck.

Salty tears filled your eyes as you screamed loudly, yanking your hair.

You realized how bad you became, you were not like this. This is a different Y/N. Very different and far from the loving, cute, Y/N.

You also realized how you and your brothers fell apart. You will always head out every late afternoon and come back at late evening, nearly midnight.

You always missed the family gatherings and chaotic dinners in the dorm.

Tears flowed to your cheeks as all the realizations stop.

Soon, you felt yourself in someone's chest, comforting you. A familiar warmth covered your entire body as you missed how warm it is.

"Shhh, it's fine Sweetie. You don't need to apologize" Jin said as he hugged you.

You continued to sob because of how caring and understanding Jin is.

Jin brought you to his car as he draped a warm blanket over your body.

"Where's Youngjin?" You asked as he looked at you over the rear view mirror

"I drop him off on the apartment" Jin answered as you nodded,

"Tell me why you did that, I know you're very aware that your grandmother doesn't want to see you and Jungkook suffering with the same condition that her son experienced" Jin said as you frowned

"I'm just stressed, okay?" You said as you looked over the blurred scenery outside the car

Jin sighed, "You can talk with us about it, right? We're family Y/N"

"I know but, I don't want to bother you. Yoongi is going to be married soon. Hobi is married, and he is busy with his work. Joon is too busy about his company. Chim, Tae, and Kook are too busy with their girlfriends. I don't want to bother you and burden you all

I'm going to be 18 soon, I need to be independent" You explained as Jin sighed

"We're here.. You're going to stay with me first until you get better, okay?" Jin said as he turned off the car engine.

You nodded as you went down the car, Jin locking it and draping his arm over your shoulder.

Jin typed in the password as a dark apartment faced you,

"I'll just sleep in the couch, I can manage to sleep in with pillows and blankets" You said as you stood beside the couch

"No need, there's a guest room here." Jin said as he opened a room

You can't help but to smile over how Jin still cares about you even though you're not under his care anymore.

"Thanks Jin, I love you..." You said as you smiled.

Jin smiled as it's been a long time since he heard those words from you.

"I love you too, sweetie." He kissed your forehead as he told you to take a bath and change clothes.

Sorry for the late updateeee, and see the number that I placed beside the chapter title?

It's the age that Y/N is on the chapter so that you wouldn't get confused.

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