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"Annabelle help one of the men were hurt can you come please there are so many of them hurt i can't do it alone." Janice looked really worried.

" I'll meet you at the hospital wing let me take Sofia some where safe." I took a sleeping Sofia in my arms and walked down the hall down to Laurne's room. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Janice opened the door. 

"Janice is Lauren here."

"No she went to help the injured." Of coarse. She had to go help.

"Can you do me a huge favor then."

"That depends on what it is."

"Could you take care of Sofia."

"Why do you have Brandon's daughter?" 

"You know she has a daughter.?"

"What no i mean no its not his "

"IT who are you calling it. Sofia is a child not some animal with rabies how could you say that about a child. You know what just forget it ill just take her with me."

"Anna i didn't mean it like that i meant she i really meant she it just slipped please forgive me."

"I don't need your apologize I'm not the one who was insulted and how did you know that she is his daughter."

" I sincerely apologies Sofia for insulting you. And Anna it is none of your business to know about how i know stuff that you shouldn't know you know."

"I Still want to know."

" Do you want me to keep an eye on her."

"Would you Janice is waiting for me in the hospital wing ill pick her up as soon as i am finished down there i promise."  Janet took a sleeping Sofia from my arms and i closed the door.

I ran down the long hall way  until i got to the hospital doors.

"Annabelle where were you i was about to go look for you the patient in room one needs your help you need to get him to change back and you have to re break his bones."

"Janice i think that is the only reason you called me to rebreak bones."

"You know that i hate the sound and you have more experience with the structure of the bones in wolf and human form. Hurry because i don't know if any more blood could be lost."

"If some one wasn't in a lot of pain right now i would continue this argument."

"GO you are needed."

I walked into room one. it is one of the ICU rooms we have.  i looked into the eye of the wolf my heart stopped because i would recognize those eyes in an instant. "Ryan"

Ryan just looked at me a single tear the size of a baseball rolled down his cheeks.

"Ryan please change back so i can help you feel better. Please Ryan change back."

I Felt Ryan shake under me i need him to change back he needs to get better his body is putting his bones back together. I felt a hand on my back and i stood upright immediately. 

"Anna Can you hurry up my side hurts."

"Ryan your going to be just fine."

"Good because i want to hear about this mate of yours."

"What!. how do you... when did you... where did you... . SPILL NOW."

"Fix me up first and i will tell you every thing i know if you tell me one thing."

"What.  Why the Alpha."

"You know i wasn't' my fault it just happened."

"Before I found mine i'm the bigger one i'm supposed to find mine first its not fair."

"Shh Ryan calm down i need to concentrate and you need to keep cool and not turn wolf for me please."

"Only because you asked me to. Hey don't you have drugs to keep me like happy and stuff."

"They are for the weak and the women who need it. I am almost done just one more bone and that's it."

"Well i didn't feel anything."

"That's because you were durged."

"Annabelle i am not weak."

" No,but i think Janice thought you were because you already had some of the drug in your system."

"Who is Janice."

"The pack Doctor."

"I tought you were the doctor."

"No I am  not the Doctor."

"But you are so nice."

"Ryan i think i gave you to much drug you are getting loopy."

"No I am fine right Mr rainbow butterfly."

"Ryan why don't you take a nap."

"You a very smart Mrs doctor."

"I am not the doctor Ryan."

"I Am sorry to offend you Alpha."

"Good night Ryan."

"Night Alpha."

I quietly left his room calm knowing that he was safe and out of danger.

"Annabelle can you help with the stitches there are some deep cuts and i can't do it all by my self."

"Yes of coarse i'll help."

Today i stitched up ten wolfs seven males  three females.  One of my brothers almost died and the other one started to walk to day.  I found out my mate has a child and my sister knew that he had a child but she didn't tell me. We are being attacked and my mate needs to explain allot of things to me. Oh and the sun is barley rising . 

"Janice could you handle it for a while i need a break and a showere."

"Of coarse i  can. Thanks go eat and find your family take a break but please come back."

"Of coarse."


sorry its late ill keep writing tomorrow 

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