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EVERY ONE was there. I went with Janet and Lauren and stood next to them my mother was with Ryan sitting down in the front row.

“Ladies and Gentlemen would you please settle down we are about to begin.” Beta Jackson, Andrew’s father, spoke from the top of the stairs. The room went dead silent.

“Thank you Jackson,” Alpha spoke,” Now as you all know rouges have entered our territory. There is no need for alarm I have called in a lock down for safety purposes. Our rooms are large enough for a family of four. Families with small children will stay on the first floor. If a family has more than three children and the children are older than the age of 13 the eldest are to sleep on the second floor with three others. Males will be assigned to sleep in the west wing and Females in the east wing. Young mates with no children are to sleep in a room with another couple on the third floor in the west wing. Elders and their families are to sleep in the third floor on theeast. Dinner will be served in two hours and light out will be at 10 only those who will be patrolling the perimeter may be aloud out of there room past 10. Janet and Francis are assigning rooms. That will be all.”

Everyone broke into their groups

“Annabelle mom is going to be in the elders rooms who do you want to bunk with.”

“I’ll stay with Lauren.”

“But she’s going to be with Jackson in the mate’s wing with Janet.”

“Jackson isn’t here.”

“Yes he arrived yesterday at about lunch time.”

“Oh, great.” I said sarcastically.

“How about I put you in a room with a good view.”

“I’m just going to be stuck with a bunch of fourteen year olds.”

“Then why don’t you go bunk with your mate.”

“What!?” If I was drinking something I would have done a spit take right there.

“Yhea I bet Brandon is pretty lonely in his room.”

“H-How’d you know?”

“Sweetie you’re very easy to read. One day your board out of your mind and then the next you are going out on the date with the Alpha’s son. The day of the barbeque how Brandon was the one to carry you to his room instead of the medical room. I’m surprised you haven’t turned into a wolf yet I mean this is what you have been waiting for and now you’re taking it slow?”

“Put me in a room with fourteen year olds, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I understand. You will be in the last room on the right with two girls.”

I went to go find Brandon. He was talking to some of his buddies, but when he saw me he smiled and excused himself.

“What wrong Baby, You look up set.”

“Nothing’s wrong”

“Are you sure.”

“Yes, I’m just tired.”

“Come on I’ll take you to the room.”

Brandon led me through the houseup to the third floor, and to the right.

He opened the last door on the left. The room was familiar. The view of the forest and the lake was breath taking. This was Brandon’s room. His walls a beautiful forest green. It was a very masculine room. Filled with Videogames, cloths all over the floor and sport star posters.

“I didn’t know that you like sports?”

“I do my favorite sport is football.”




“Someone is sleepy you need to rest it’s been a long day for you.”

“Okay I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Where are you going?”

“To my room were else.”

“This is you room now. To be honest I don’t think that I would be able to sleep unless I know that you are safe in my arms. Especially with a threat above our heads.”

“If I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that you would find a way to sneak into my room I would not consider staying here tonight.”

“Where are you going now? I thought you said that you were going to sleep here?”

“I am I just need some cloths to sleep in.”

“I can lend you one of my shirts.”

“I need to check up on my brother and make sure everyone is settled.”


pic of janice (paack doctor.)

Me My Mate And A Baby (under major reconstruction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu