Here it comes, he thought.

"You're transgender Miley."

"I know," she sighed.

Mom laced her fingers together. "I think I remember, back when Sander came out that Dad said, 'this is going to be difficult.'"

Miley nodded with a frown.

"This will be difficult Miley," Mom said. "But that doesn't mean it has to be painful."

"Dad isn't going to like this," Miley said. "Having one trans kid has turned out to be hard enough on him."

"I honestly have no idea how your father will react," Mom said. "We will just have to wait and see. Do you want me to talk to him about it before he comes home?"

"I.... I'd have to think on it," Miley said. "How do you think Sander would react?"

Mom chuckled. "You know Sander better than I do. Again, we'll just have to see."

"I don't want to see Mom," Miley frowned, "I... I want it to be. As in, be that way already. I feel like when me and Sander were born our genders got switched or something."

Mom laughed. "I don't know. But honey, I don't know how they'll react. But I want to tell you that I think you're a beautiful girl, and that I'll help you the best I can."

Miley smiled.

She sat there with her Mom, and listened to the sounds around her, enjoying the last bit of her summer.


Miley now understood keenly the pain that Sander had felt before he'd come out almost a year before.

She sat on the couch, wearing a mint-green skirt and a blue t-shirt.

Sander was coming home sometime today. Never had Miley felt more nervous.

Strangely, she found herself feeling anxiety about whether her brother would laugh at her for doing something girly.

But then, she heard the front door open.

"Hello," Sander said as he came through the door.

"How was the drive?" Mom asked.

"Long, boring, and fueled on more mountain dew than gasoline," he answered. "I still think that I didn't need to stay at a motel."

"After all that hard work," Mom said, "you really think I want my son to sleep on the seats of a pickup truck?"

"They are very nice seats," Sander laughed.

Miley listened to them talk in the hallway. Sander... he sounded... no, not like himself. He sounded better than how he usually did.

"Where's Miles at," Sander asked.

There was a pause.

"Mom?" Sander asked.

"Sh - um, in the living room."

Miley heard the fall of boots against the floor. As he rounded the corner, Miley mustered all her willpower, and met her brother's eyes.

His jaw nearly popped off.

"Sh*t," he said, completely stupified. "I... I was not expecting that."

Miley slowly stood up. "Hi Sander," she said.

He made a soft, nervous chuckle. "So... you've decided to become a girl."

She nodded with a quivering smile.

"I... I saw the longer hair and nails," Sander said, "but... gosh. I never expected to come back to this."

He looked her over.

"You pull off that skirt better than I ever did," he laughed softly.

They stared at each other for a moment, and then Sander gave her a hug.

"Congrats on discovering yourself," he said. "I'm happy for you."

Miley smiled, and held her brother lovingly.

The next month there was a very different feeling between them. Sander seemed to have changed a lot over the summer. But the fact that Miley now kind of understood what he'd been through helped both of them.

By the time Dad returned home in September, Mom had slowly broken the news to him. Like with Sander coming out, it wasn't easy.

But it was more pleasant. Dad saw that Miley and Sander were gettting along a lot better, and a bit of that normalcy from before Sander came out seemed to return.

By the time the twins graduated high school, they had both begun hormone replacement therapy.

And as time passed, their parents began to wear their kids' identity as a badge of honor, wearing shirts that said "I love my trans kids."

Although life wasn't always easy for them, they regained the friendship they'd once had, and weathered it all together.

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