Meeting the "Rat God"

Start from the beginning

"Well, at least she's happy Midoriya-kun." Nezu consoled me.

"That's true. She smiles and laughs easily now. She gets nervous when she's outside though." I sighed. "And, if you'd like Nezu, I'll give you a challenge. If you can track down my hidden place, I'll stay here at UA. Eraserhead won't even need to catch me out on the streets." 

"I don't see why not. I'll take you up on that challenge. Is there a time limit?" Nezu asked.

"I'll give you the entire school year to find me." I grinned, opening the window. "Well, it was fun talking to you principal Nezu but I must go. I've got a certain class to terrorize by feeding Eraserhead strong coffee." I waved the animal goodbye and leapt out the window, crashing into the nearest tree and climbing down from said greenery before running off to hunt down Eraserhead.

When I'd found the underground hero, I pounced on him with a joyful yell. "Eraser-kun!" I squealed, hugging him by the neck. "Hey everyone! Hey Kacchan!"

"You nerd! You're not actually gonna watch this are you?" Kacchan paled, stepping back nervously. I flashed him a bright, mischievous grin. "Oh my fucking god, you really are.." Spotting the flask I'd tossed Eraserhead earlier being brought to the underground hero's lips, Kacchan sprinted forward and tackled Aizawa and snatched the container. "Nope! Not today! Aizawa-sensei, you're drinking your normal coffee today."

"Stop being over dramatic Bakugou." One of his classmates giggled. "Let him drink his coffee."

"You extras don't fucking understand. If Aizawa-sensei drinks this damned particular blend, he'll have energy to fucking deal with us." Several students paled at the idea. "According to Dabi - don't ask who I'm talking about - he drank only two gulps of this and he was unable to sleep or rest for three days straight. Three whole fucking days. He said that with Aizawa-sensei, it'll most likely wear off by the end of the damned day but while the drink is still in his system, Aizawa-sensei will be energized enough to be bouncing the fucking hell off of the walls in class."

"Here Eraser-kun! Good thing I brought a spare of the Bat Blend eh?" I giggled, handing Eraserhead another thermos. "If you really still wanna cause chaos, just bottoms up then!"

"Did you even sleep last night Problem Child?" Aizawa asked, drinking the coffee and finishing it in five big gulps. "Damn, this coffee really is strong." He noted, shaking it. "I still feel normal though."

"Oh don't worry. It takes a bit until it affects anyone. Give it a few moments." True to my statement, a moment later, Aizawa stood up straighter and got a "sugar rush" type of thing in his system. "How does it feel Eraser-kun? Being so awake." 

"It feels great! You should give me the recipe for it Problem Child!" Aizawa skipped around the field, throwing his capture weapon at me every time he could. "I feel like I actually have a chance at catching you right now!"

"Oh really?" I wagged him a finger teasingly. "How about we test that theory then?"

"You're on." 

And so, for the rest of the period, Eraserhead spent the time chasing me around and trying to get my wrists in handcuffs. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for me, he never even got the quirk cancelling cuffs on me. He did manage to nearly wrap his weapon around me several times.

That night, during patrol, Eraserhead jumped on me the first chance he got. "Hey brat." He greeted me. "Got any more of those Bat Blends on you?" Eraserhead held his hand out expectantly. I chuckled and nodded, handing him the thermos Kacchan had stolen earlier in the day. "Finally!" He gleefully chugged it down.

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