#5 - Impossible

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Y/n's View

My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Is this Y/n Y/l/n?" The caller asks.

"Yes." I say.

"I'm Dr Jones, Lena Sanders is a patient of mine. We were treating her for lung cancer." They say.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but Lena passed away during her surgery." Dr Jones says.

"No, no, no. This cannot be possible. Lena was fine and healthy." I say.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"T-Thank for you for the call." I say.

I hang up and start to cry.

"I can't find your—" Dixie says coming downstairs.

Dixie looks up and sees me.

"What's wrong?" Dixie asks hugging me.

"Lena died." I say continuing to cry.

She sighs quietly and rubs my back.

"It's okay." She says.

Time Skip

I didn't care how much I loved Dixie. I wanted to be with Lena. I would jump in front of a train to be with Lena in hell.

I know that's where she went because she's short. She's closer to hell than anyone else. She was always mad when we talked about her being 4 foot 9.

"Please." Charli says.

"No." I say.

"Y/n you stink. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it." Dixie says.

I ignore them and Dixie sighs. They look at each other and nod their heads.

They carry me into the bathroom and put me in the bathtub.

"Clean, now." Charli says.

"No." I say.

"I'll handle her." Dixie says.

Charli leaves and Dixie locks the door.

"You stink, you smell like a crusty gym sock. Get a shower for God's sake." Dixie says.

"I thought you loved me. That whole in sickness and health thing at our wedding." I whisper so Charli can't hear.

"Wrong bitch, dude." She says.

"Still..." I say.

"Please take a shower." She says.

"I love you." I say.

"I'll love you when you stop smelling like rotten eggs." She says leaving the bathroom.

I smile and get up.

25 minutes later...

I come out of the bathroom and Dixie gets up. She lifts my arm and sniffs my armpit.

"Now that you're clean, we can have sex." Dixie says.

She pushes me onto the bed and climbs on top of me. I smile and she kisses me. She takes my shirt off and kisses my neck.

I hear a scream and I look up to see Charli.

"Fuck." Dixie says getting off of me.

I put my shirt and we go downstairs.

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