Ending C - Him and I

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The right girl for Y/n wasn't Dixie or Madison

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The right girl for Y/n wasn't Dixie or Madison. There's a third option and your mind is gonna be blown.

"Fuck you, bitch!" She says laughing.

I smile and she stares at me. She cups my cheeks and kisses me.

"Ooh, you got a crush on me." I say.

"Shut up." She says blushing.

Y/n's View

I open the door and go inside.

"Dixie?" I call.

I go outside and see someone's shirt on the the grass.

"I'll stop by and check on her while I'm there." Noah says.

"Better not be, not in my house." I say going upstairs.

"Go away, Y/n." Dixie says.

"I'm paying that turd 150 bucks an hour to fuck my wife?" I ask as she puts her hand on my chest.

"In my own bed?" I ask pushing her out of the way.

I go in the room and see Noah laying on my bed in his underwear.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. She said you were busy." Noah says getting up.

I put my hand on his throat and push him against the wall.

"Get out of my house, before I kick your ass." I say as he struggles to breathe.

"They'll hear you screaming in China." I whisper as I tighten my grip around his neck.

I kneel him in the crotch and he groans. I let go of his neck and he runs out.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Dixie ask.

"Me? What the fuck is wrong you? You told me you were sick, only to find out you're fucking him." I say.

"I won't get played. Not in my own house." I say.

"Baby-" Dixie says.

"If you want to stay with me, you have to take a paternity test. If Noah is the father of that baby, you can pack your shit and get the fuck out of me and my daughter's life." I say.

"You can't make me take a test." Dixie says.

"Then what are you still doing here? Get the fuck out of my face." I say.

"Noah is a better person than you anyway." She says leaving.

I sigh and shake my head.

Time Skip

Time Skip

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