Chapter 6

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"Six weeks and eight days since my accident

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"Six weeks and eight days since my accident. I still haven't got my memory back."

Doctor Clarke looks at me and takes his glasses off. "Cole, I understand your frustration son, but brain trauma isn't like any other physical illness or a broken bone. We can't just bring all your memories back with an operation. The brain the most complex organ we possess and its very unpredictable. I am confident your memory will come back in time. The question is, do you want your memory to come back?"

I stare at Dr Clarke blankly for a couple of seconds. What kind of question is that? "Of course I do. I'm missing a huge chunk of my life. I woke up one day with a wife and a baby on the way four years in the future. I've been having some really weird dreams lately."

"Weird how?"

I frown and shrug, "I don't know, it's all a jumbled mess. Some nights it's Sophie and other nights its Shayla. I don't know if it's a memory or a dream. How do you even differentiate between them?" I ask with a sigh rubbing my forehead. Dr Clarke leans forward narrowing his brown eyes at me thoughtfully.

"Dreams are stored in our short-term memory and it disappears after a little while. Our memories however are stored in our long-term memory which you won't forget. Can you recall these dreams after you've had them?"

I lean forward and rub my eyes with my thumb and finger. "I don't know, my head is a literal mess. I don't know what feeling is real and what isn't anymore. It's so aggravating." I say rubbing my forehead.

"Your CT scan came back perfect Cole, the swelling has completely subsided so all you need now is time, don't force yourself just let your body do its thing and hopefully you'll soon start to remember." He says and I nod and stand up. He walks me to the door and shakes my hand. "Don't forget what I told you, sometimes our fear causes us to supress certain things from our past, that could be the key to unlocking your memories." He explains and pats my shoulder with a kind smile.

"Thank you Dr Clarke, or everything." I smile and walk out of his office when he nods in response.

My mind was in a haze as I walk mindlessly through the hospital corridor. "Tristan?" I stop dead in my tracks when I hear her voice. Sophie. I turn slowly and face her. I look into those familiar blue eyes and resist the urge to walk over and pull her into my arms.

"Soph?" I utter surprised to see her standing in front of me. She looks just as I remember her. Absolutely gorgeous, but there was a deep sadness in her eyes. "Hi."

"Hi," She utters a little hesitantly. "I heard about your accident, it was all over the news and papers. I wanted to come and see you, but I didn't think you would want to see me after everything that happened." She explains and I frown a little. "I'm so glad you're okay."

I nod and clear my throat, "I don't uh, the accident caused some memory loss, so I don't really remember anything that happened. Only what others have told me." I explain and she frowns and takes a step toward me. I look her over a little confused. "Josh mentioned you was pregnant. Did you have the baby already?" I question and notice her eyes fill with tears. She bites her lip shaking her head.

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