Chapter 5

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"So?" Aimee asks looking at me, her blue eyes wide and hopeful

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"So?" Aimee asks looking at me, her blue eyes wide and hopeful. "Did it work?" I shrug and look around chewing on my bottom lip. "I mean the way he possessively pulled you away from Dante, from over here it looked like he was a little jealous?"

"It totally did, that was very Cole." Jo agrees, biting into her churro and chewing gingerly.

"Oh girls, I don't know. I mean the way he was looking at me for a very brief second it felt it used too." I say, glancing over at Cole who was talking to Josh a profoundly serious expression on his face. The girls decided we should test and see if Cole would still get jealous if he saw another guy near me or touching me and sure enough he did react like I hoped he would when he saw Dante— my very good looking, completely gay friend dancing with me. I thought he was going to kiss me when he pulled me away from him, but he didn't. He just asked who Dante was and when I told him he was my friend he went right back to emotionless self again.

"That's a really good thing, Shay. It means he still cares enough to get jealous of another man touching you. You need to keep pushing him into feeling these things and eventually he will start to realise that he does love you." Aimee tells me while I look over at Cole sullenly. I miss him so much and it kills me every time he looks at me and I don't see that love in his eyes. He's so different, so cold, distant, and moody. That's not the Cole I know. Where was the guy who would touch me and constantly want to be around me? Where did the man go that would gaze deeply into my eyes and tell me he wants me and would die if he didn't have me. Where was he?

"I really hope so Aimes, because the way we're going now, I don't see us lasting at all," I whisper woefully and Aimee shakes her head.

"Shayla don't say that babe. You have to keep fighting for him, as much as it hurts, you can't give up." I shake my head and look at her with a sigh.

"You think I want to? Of course, I don't. I'm still in love with him, but he doesn't love me or at least he doesn't remember that he does." I say closing my eyes.

"If anyone is going to pull him through this, it's you, Shayla. You might have been wiped from his mind but, you're still etched in his heart. Every time you think about giving up you remember that, okay?" Jo says taking my face into her hands and looking into my face. "Who knows one day he might wake up and remember everything. You just have to be patient and hold onto the hope that he will remember."

I nod and bite my lip glancing over at him again. He was watching me. Our eyes meet and I feel my heart race like it used to when we first met. I can do this. I love him too much to lose him. Cole looks away and turns his attention back to Josh and nods. I wonder what Josh was telling him. "Shayla?" I look down at Esme and smile at her. "Can we dance now?" She asks and I nod and take her hand. We walk over the crowd dancing and we dance together. Esme was Rico's five-year-old daughter. She's the sweetest thing. I laugh and spin her around while we sing and sway together. Aimee and Jo join us and we all dance with her. I watch as Esme runs off toward Cole and Josh and pulls them to come and join us.

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