"Hoseok hyung is going to kick your ass," Taehyung mused, laughing while Jimin frowned, not understanding why the older man was upset with him.

"Yeah? He's going to have to get in line," Charlie grumbled, walking along with Tae as he led her towards the bar to join the other two while Jungkook and Jimin followed.

"Oh c'mon it wasn't that bad, I don't understand why you're all attacking me," Jimin argued, pouting as Trixie passed him his usual drink. "How about you Jungkook? You've been pretty quiet, what did you think? Help me out man," Jimin pleaded, hoping he would at least have someone else on his side to protect him from the wrath of both Hoseok and Charlie.

He cleared his throat, looking at his friends before his eyes locked with Charlie. "Umm, it was good, good job," he commented, stepping closer towards the bar and ordering another drink for himself while Charlie curiously glanced at him.

She took a good look at his outfit for the evening, noticing the way his pants clung onto his thighs and how the buttons on his shirt exposed his chest just a bit, sweat glistening against his skin. She admired his tattoos since he rolled up his sleeves to show off the dark swirls of ink. There was something about him wearing all black that made him look so... well, hot. Charlie couldn't help but check him out for a moment, quickly looking away once Jin stood up from his seat.

"Well I'm heading back home, so I'll see you kids later! And please stay out of trouble," he said, glancing at them before turning away.

"Hold up, I'm coming with you!" Hoseok shouted, avoiding looking at Charlie as he walked by, making sure to smack Jimin one more time upside the head before rushing out.


"I swear, I'm starting to think that this guy doesn't exist. Either that, or he's backed out of the plan and is probably long gone by now," Charlie complained, standing in between Taehyung and Jungkook in a black one-piece that was cut out on the side, revealing her skin. Her fishnet leggings completed the fallen angel look that she was trying to personify tonight.

Jungkook's eyes side-glanced at her momentarily before he looked down at his drink, trying not to make it too obvious that he was checking her out.

"Still no luck?" Taehyung asked while Charlie shook her head. "I'm sure he'll turn up soon," he reassured while she looked at him.

"It's been a week Tae," she groaned, glancing back out into the crowd.

She'd been coming to the club every night for the past week, dancing in hopes that she was going to lure out the bastard who hurt one of their girls and took another, but nothing. Jade had tried to explain what he looked like to the best of her ability, and with Cherry's added explanation of how frequent he had visited beforehand, Charlie vaguely knew what she was looking for.

Both Jungkook and Jimin were there every night to monitor things and keep an eye on her, as well as the other girls, while Taehyung would come every once in a while just to get out of the house. Jungkook was glad that Charlie had asked him to be there, and no one had paid much attention to how he would stare at her every time it was her turn to dance, everything else taking a backseat as he would shamelessly watch her.

Even though she had requested his presence, Charlie felt nervous having Jungkook around. Sure, he was her best friend and she had agreed to his request of being an extra set of eyes, but him being there every night made her nervous. She found herself putting extra effort in her performance, secretly hoping that he would be watching.

She was staring at him, noticing how he was avoiding her yet again. She wanted to question him about the odd behavior when she heard one of the other girls calling her name, groaning as she turned back to the guys.

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