Always Watching

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Lying in bed, Stiles in my arms, staring at nothing in particular, listening to him sleep I don't think I've ever been more relaxed, snuggling more into him I just wanna kiss every inch of his face, deciding against kissing him Stiles turns towards me and my hands find there way through his hair "I'm awake you know.." Stiles says opening his eyes looking at me "How long?" I ask him taking my hands off him, Stiles grabbing my wrist before they get too far away he starts to speak "The whole time you've been awake" he informs me accidentally Scooting closer trying to back away "Why tell me now?" I ask curious why he would stay even though it's his bedroom "It's relaxing and I'd stay here all day but I have plans" Stiles answers getting out of bed making me sit up "Where are you going?" I ask him not wanting him to leave even though I'll say I'll go with him "Taking a shower so wait your turn" he said pulling his shirt off and leaving to the bathroom

Time skip to Stiles coming back from his shower

Grabbing some clothes to take when I'm done with my shower Stiles comes back in the room "Okay you can hop in the shower bunny teeth" he says grabbing his pants from yesterday and a tank top "bunny teeth?" I ask curious "Yeah you have the teeth of a bunny it's actually really adorable I get why the girls go after you" he chuckles making his way towards me "You should get in the shower but don't take too long....and I just realized I should get dressed" Stiles says embarrassed which gets me to laugh at his cuteness and head to the bathroom

Where do you think he's going?
My wolf asks concerned which I understand after Kate

I don't know.
I say back to my wolf

I'm worried. What is he gets hurt?!

We won't let that happen!

I know. Let's change subject. He was wearing a towel!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Let's focus more on what he said to his mother, he'll take care of us!

I hope he loves us.

I hope he loves us too.

Finished with my shower I wrap a towel around my waist and walk to Stiles's bedroom door when I hear a phone ring "I'm still trying to figure it out" Deaton's voice comes through the phone "I don't mean to sound rude but can you hurry it up! I had to stab myself in front of all of them so they wouldn't find out this anger is getting worse!" Stiles says trying to keep from shouting "Stiles maybe it's time you tell them, tell him.." Deaton suggests gently "I'm not doing that Doc they don't need to know something that's not their business." Stiles said simply getting stressed "Don't you think he deserves to know?" Deaton asks knowing something "Yeah he does but I promised my mother I wouldn't let anyone know and that includes him," Stiles said and continues "I have to go Derek's done with his shower I don't want him overhearing anything...keep looking please?" Stiles told Deaton "I'll update you later." The Vet said hanging up and I hear Stiles sigh, What were they talking about? Who were they talking about? Why are they talking about it? As soon as I walk into the room Stiles looks up from the floor and up to me "Hey" he says frustrated "What? Do I not look good?" I ask joking trying to lighten up the mood "No you look fine..just something personal don't really wanna talk about it." He tells me sadly so I walk up to him and pull him to stand up "You don't have to as much as I wanna know..." I reassure him trailing off and he nods "Get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere. There's something you need to see." Stiles said seriously looking me in the eye a small shimmer looking into mine "Where are we going?" I ask him wanting to know what this is about "It's a surprise! You'll love it!" He says starting to smile walking out of my hold to let me get dressed, after getting dressed and hopping in in his Jeep it's been 30 minutes since we left his house "You weren't scared of her.." I state talking about Kate "Huh?" Stiles asked me confused about what I'm talking about "Kate, you weren't scared to walk up to her when we saw her..Why?" I asked him knowing why remembering their conversation in the woods but I can't help ask "Because I hate her." He stated as if it was obvious "We all do but why do you hate her?" I asked him hoping he'll want to tell me the truth "Maybe because she's a sadistic bitch and keeps following us!" He shouts "She's following us!" I ask looking back "Not right now I made sure she wouldn't be able to follow us.." he said trailing off "What did you do?" I ask him curious "Tricked her" he tells me trying not to show the smile "She won't fall for it" I said still watching out getting ready "She's supernatural Derek, she'll fall for it she already did, you guys keep thinking that just because you're stronger, faster, and can heal quicker that you'll win against whoever you're fighting using brute force you forget that werewolves have supernatural weaknesses and human weakness because you're still human there's some things you guys won't heal from brute force doesn't work it's skill and experience that what you need to focus on, Kate used that when she was just a hunter when she became supernatural she forgot that those things matter and I may always be the damsel in distress because I'm human but if I wanted to I could kill you easily, so when I say that I tricked her you better believe she fell for it." He explained putting me in shock at how right he is "H-How do you know all of this?" I ask curious "Humans have instincts and senses too some stronger than other have but that's based on how much you pay attention to it." He stated as time went by he explained how the whole skill and experience thing needs to be focused on and he asked what Heat was for Werewolves saying he read a little about it and was curious of what it basically meant "So you're admitting that werewolves tend to be way more hornier than humans?!" He said laughing hysterically "Stop laughing you're gonna get us killed" I said annoyed rolling my eyes "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.......horny bastard" he apologized only to snort "I will get out of this car right now." I said sternly "Go ahead but you won't get to see your surprise now will you?" He said baiting me knowing it will work and keeps driving, after a little while he stops "we're here" he said with a small smile "Where are we?" I ask him looking around to see a beautiful sight but it looks kind of familiar "My mom's cabin she gave me the deed when she died" he told me giving a sad smile and walked to the cabin opening the door, I'm looking around when his phone rings and he enters and locks the room from across the kitchen to answer it and I can't hear anything, he's in there for awhile until he comes out "Is that room soundproof" I ask walks up to me "Yeah" he answered which got me curious "Why?" I ask him "It's the music room so she made it soundproof" he explained chuckling "Okay, are you hungry? I can cook." I asked him "You're being nice. Why are you being nice? Are you possessed by a nice spirit? You setting me up for something? What are you planning? You trying to trick me? You can't trick a trickster! You better watch out because I'm scrappy!" He said very fast without taking a breath and hyper making me laugh "Yes y-" I start before he jumps me and I fall on my back then he gets off me standing up smiling proud getting me to roll my eyes and get up "You don't wanna mess with me now cook I'm hungry" He said walking out of the kitchen

This Isn't You (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن