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Holy fuck! "Stiles what the hell was all that?!" I yelled asking him what just happened between him and that Theo guy, and how was Stiles stronger than him that dude is a Chimera I guess? Wow I really need to catch up on everything! Cutting off my own thoughts I speak again "Stiles?!" I yell again "Stiles say something!" Issac says yelling too "WHAT?!" Stiles says yelling louder than us "What the hell was all that?" I said calming down "yeah and what did he mean by everything he said before you put him in his place?" Issac asked with a small grin proud of Stiles "It was nothing." He said not very convincingly, smelling his emotions they're all mixed but it's mostly worry and complete and utter anger, "Stiles come on just tell us what everything that just went down was about, he said covered for you? What did he mean by that? What did everything he said mean?" Issac said asking all these questions

You know that everything our mate said and did was extremely hot! My wolf stated


Let's make him ours, we need to kiss him!!!

We can't we don't even know if he loves us too...

Then we need to find out!! Come on Derek we have to we need him!!! We need to comfort him!

I'll try later okay.

Stiles still not answering our questions I decide to listen to my wolf "Stiles come with me..." I said grabbing his wrist and bringing him to his bedroom, closing the door and turning to sit on his bed looking at him "What do you want Derek?!" He asked getting annoyed while searching something on his phone "I want you to answer my questions and the truth to." I told him, Stiles shifting around a little he starts to say something "I can't. I want to. But I-I just can't. I don't want you guys to react the same way Scott did, please I can't lose you too!" He begged "Stiles you're not gonna lose us, Scott is stupid for whatever happened, so please just tell me everything..." I told him hoping he'd tell me then he nodded, both of us sitting on the bed I call Issac up and 20 seconds later he's entering the room, that's when Stiles starts talking "what do you wanna know?" He asked putting his head down "well I'd like to know how you're stronger than a Chimera?" Issac asked him "Well Chimeras are two splits of DNA in one and sense The Dread Doctors made them, they weren't turned, they weren't born, they were made so they aren't really supernatural at all beside their appearance so it's a bit easy to be stronger than them" Stiles explained, "What about your behavior, the anger was so heightened and just well so much of it?" I asked him wanting my mate to be okay "I've always had a bit of an anger problem and I have to control it usually I can except when I can't" he said matter-of-factly, "what do you do when you can't?" Issac asked him, Stiles tensed up then "next question." He said in a way that was telling us to listen "what did Theo think he meant when he said that you have more blood on your hands than all of us because he obviously knows about The Nogitsune so he's an idiot!?" I asked him next "I killed someone, somebody Scott wanted us to try and save, he threatened to kill my dad before The Dread Doctors made him into a Chimera, then he tried to kill me once he realized what he was...I didn't mean to kill him I was just trying to stall him long enough for me to run but one of the beams/borders went through him and he was dead, Theo told Scott a different version of the story last night, however he told the story Scott he believed him and now thinks I murdered him, I kept telling him I had no choice that I had to do it when he said that there's a point where it isn't self-defense anymore I got confused about what he was talking about but I guess I just made matters worse and made Theo's version seem true because of everything I said when I was yelling at him, I asked him what I could do to fix this mistake he told me not to worry about anyone that was missing and kicked me out of the pack because he couldn't have a murderer there" he explained sobbing

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