Amateur hour

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My eyes slowly opening and closing I forget where I am and feel something big, strong, and comfortable holding me and what's that smell it smells so god-like that I can drown in it, feeling relaxed I turn around and look up at my apparent cuddler to see Derek Hale and I couldn't help but smile a little, Derek moving a little scares me a little making me jump until he pulls me closer into his chest calming me "I always knew you were secretly a teddy bear but do you realize who you're cuddling?" I say teasingly but when I see that he's tired I let him be "Shut up. Let me sleep. I don't need you interrupting that." He demands sleepily making me chuckle "whatever as long as I'm not cold right" I say back closing my eyes and immediately fall asleep.


They are so cute cuddling dare they tease me?! It's too tempting "Issac? You look like you're trying to stop yourself from something? What are you doing?" The Sheriff says putting his hand on my shoulder "They're not trying to but they're teasing me" I told him "what do you mean?" He asked stepping closer "Look at them they're practically calling out to me" I told him and he starts chuckling "Sheriff this is nothing to laugh about this serious...this is-this is too tempting I need to be in a puppy pile" I tell him "okay I'm guessing it's a wolf thing so I'll just go" the Sheriff says leaving the room.


When I wake up with Stiles's scent around me it brings a relaxed smile to my face, looking down to see his annoying beautiful face  I also see Issac cuddling the both of us, that little son of mine I-I mean beta of mine just can't resist a small cuddle session he's such a puppy but whatever it's not like this will always happen I'm sure Stiles was just tired or thought this would be good tease material, Stiles stirring awake I try to tell myself to let him out of my arms but my wolf and body betray me and just pulls him closer "You seem to keep forcing me closer is there something you need sourwolf?" Stiles says and you can tell he just woke up "I'm not forcing you closer for one you're not fighting me and two it's a reflex" I tell him and he chuckles and turns around in my arms now facing Issac "My god he's a puppy" Stiles says and I can't help but burst out laughing "You can laugh?! You should do that more." He says starting to sit up and I let him out of my embrace but Stiles's calmness changes when Scott shows up "Hey guys" Scott said, Stiles tries to ignore him by shaking Issac awake but it takes awhile, when he does wake up "wh-what's happening?! d-did I save the princess?!" Issac asks waking up making Stiles snort "oh wow Iss you really are a precious puppy" this sass king retorts making Issac pout a little bit making me chuckle "Okay I don't mean to disrupt your family time but we still need to deal with Theo" Scott said to us impatiently "I could kill him I mean it wouldn't be the first time I've killed someone and it definitely wouldn't be the first time almost killing him right?" Stiles says clearly still mad "Stiles I know your mad but-" "Mad at what Scott there's nothing to be mad about" Stiles said cutting him off and going to the bathroom and it isn't that long til we hear the shower on "what did he mean by 'almost'?" Scott asks me "You weren't there so you don't have the right to know now go downstairs and wait." I told him, he shakes his head and goes downstairs "let's go?" Issac asks "let's go downstairs bud" I told him and we leave to the living room.


Finally feeling more relaxed with the water hitting my body and knowing whether I like it or not that'll just be taken away when I go downstairs and see Scott still here I turn the water off, step out of the shower, wrap a towel around my waist, and leave the bathroom stepping into my room when I'm inside my room I see the Derek sitting on my bed turning to look at me his eyes widen a little "um sorry I uh-" "it's alright just got out it doesn't matter I still got my towel on anyways" I say cutting him off walking past him to my drawers to grab some clothes but I've been growing a little taller for awhile so it's taking longer to find something to fit  than I'm sure either of us are comfortable to admit "ugh can't find anything! Do you have any extra clothing, maybe even just a hoodie?" I ask him hoping he has something "I-I think so let me check my bag" he says walking to the other side of the room looking for his bag, walking over to turn on my laptop and searching google "Lydia's gonna be proud of me for online shopping" I chuckle "but she'll kill you for doing it without her" Derek states teasingly "Yeah and Scott won't mind because if he does she'll kill him too although who knows maybe I'll-" I say before he cuts me off "Hey don't say that if he treats you and anybody else differently for the same cause than that's his loss okay?" He says rubbing my shoulders and I just nod sadly and he reaches into his bag "Here..." he said handing me the clothes "Are you gonna watch or you gonna let me get dressed?" I say jokingly noticing he hasn't left "uh I'll see you downstairs" he says walking to my door opening it "Derek," I say making him turn "thank you..for um helping me with everything" I told him "your welcome" he says with a small smile on his face and he turns to leave, once he leaves I get dressed and I'm surprised at how well these fit and I think I've only ever seen Sourwolf wear grey once and how the heck do these actually fit, when I'm finished I go downstairs "How the hell do these fit so well if these are your clothes Derek?! Sure I'm getting taller but I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean I get the same body so explain." I said entering the living room and they're just looking at me like they've seen a model

This Isn't You (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon