What Happened?!

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{Since I forgot that it was day by the time Stiles and Malia went to The Station and broke up we're just gonna pretend it was still night but this chapter will be based in the next morning and Stiles's father hasn't been attacked YET}


I was parked on the side of the road with Issac both of us trying to figure out where Scott might and we were interrupted by someone knocking on my window, seeing who it was I rolled it down "Derek? Issac?" He asked confused and surprised "Yes, I believe those are our names." Issac said smiling making me chuckle "What are you guys doing here?" He asked looking at me shivering "Stiles get inside you're gonna get sick" I told him unlocking the back door, getting inside car looking down and back up "So what are you guys doing here? And when you'd get back?" He asked looking like he needed a distraction from something "We got back last night. We both wanted to come back so we did, and we're looking for Scott so we can tell him we're back" Issac said answering his questions "Do you know where he is this morning?" I asked him getting a pained look from him "No." he said sternly but his heartbeat quickened for a second "Stiles your heart beat picked up and you always know where he is." I told him getting impatient "if my heart beat did pick up I'm sure it was for a good reason and I really don't know where Sc-he is but if you wanna find him he's probably with Theo but even then there's no luck of finding him because I don't bother looking for him!" Stiles told us getting frustrated "Who's Theo?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes "Oh you know just one out of two of the newest supernatural asswholes who no on but me seems to notice that he's planning something that isn't friendly!" He said laughing "Stiles you're jumping to conclusions..." I said to him "Don't say I'm wrong okay! You should all know by now that I can sense when someone is evil and never once was I wrong!" He shouted starting to get mad

Why is our baby getting mad?! My wolf said worried

I don't know... I told my wolf

Issac opened his mouth wide to speak but Stiles started talking before he could "So when everything in my body and mind told me not to trust him the entire he's been here and the moment he came back I know something's wrong! And there are so many things off about him including his transfer slip! So don't even try to doubt me on this!" He said still shouting glaring at the both of us "you broke into the administration's office and got his transfer slip?" Issac asked him a little wide-eyed and I raised my eyebrows at Stiles with a 'seriously' look on my face "Who do you think you guys are talking to? Of course I did!" He said looking back and forth at us "And I'm gonna stop him whether anyone helps me or not...even if I have to kill him myself." He said muttering that last part under his breathe "Stiles...You are not killing anybody!" Issac and I said in union but he just gave us this look of I don't even know what "Okay, I won't kill him" Stiles said sighing in a way that sounds like a bit of relief, suddenly his face looked like he just remembered something "Did you and the hunters find Kate? Is that why you're finally back?" He asked staring at me like a beautiful puppy

He's so beautiful and he said finally!! He was waiting for us to come back...he missed us!!!

Let's not get too excited! I said to my wolf.


These two are so cute and STUPID when the hell are they gonna get over themselves and admit their damn feelings. They are Children. Idiots. Pulling me out of my thoughts Derek starts to speak "No we didn't but even then two months ago the hunters except for Chris forced and threatened me to stay away and that they would find her without me..." Derek said to Stiles "What?! Are you telling me that you could've come back a month ago but you didn't?!" Stiles asked Derek through gritted teeth "Stiles it's-" Derek started before Stiles cut him off "No Derek! do you know what you being back here could've possibly prevented, the Dread Doctors wouldn't be here, Theo wouldn't be here, there wouldn't be any Chimeras, Kira probably wouldn't be with the Skin-walkers to gain back control of her power, and I w-" he said and cut himself off. Derek and I both confused why he cut himself off look at each other and turn back to face Stiles "Stiles, what happened? What aren't you telling us?" I asked him but he didn't say anything "Stiles?!" Derek called him making him look up "What happened?" He continued looking Stiles in the eye "Nothing it's nothing" Stiles told us "Stiles please tell us what happened?" I asked him but all he did was get out of the car and walked away.

I can't tell them. I wanted to tell Derek but I couldn't I don't want him turning his back on me like Scott. I don't know when I fell for Derek but I've felt like this for as long as I can remember. And Issac can be like a baby puppy sometimes I don't know what I would do if he thought I was an enemy. I hate Theo, I know he was the one that told Scott. God I know it's wrong but I really do wanna kill him. I'm more angry than I've ever been in years I can usually control it but this I've lost everything and no one ever realizes that In reality when you really pay attention I'm just a 'happier' version of Derek. I've been cracked like glass. It started out as a small crack when after my mother died, then The Nogitsune took over and it got worse, the crack grew larger, and now that I've killed Donovan I'm shattered. I was still walking when Derek's car pulled up beside me "Derek, Issac, please go away" I say to them "We're not going anywhere now let's go we're taking you home" Derek said not really an offer but I'm still standing my ground and continued walking, Derek hopping out of the car picked me up and is now carrying me, trying everything to get out of his hold I did the only thing I could think of at the moment "Ow Stiles! Did you just bite me!?" He said, his grip loosening, hopping out of his arms I walked further until they both cornered me and threw me inside the car, sighing I just let them "Fine just drive me home" I told them getting annoyed "We'll be staying with you as well." Issac said not bothering to look back at me "Fine whatever!" I say not wanting to care, when we get to my house and opened the door sitting on the couch is none other than Theo Raken, suddenly that annoyance turned to anger "Theo" I said through gritted teeth "Your dad was looking for you, Stiles. He found me instead." He said getting off the couch "Where is he?" I asked worried for my dad "I covered for you. This was taken care of." He said holding up my Library card "If Melissa didn't find it at the hospital... Guess even the son of a cop can make mistakes." He says as if I should be thanking him "Did you hurt him?" I asked scared but filled with anger "I never lied about why I came to Beacon Hills. I'm here for a pack. I came for the werecoyote. The one whose first instinct is to kill. I came for the Banshee, the girl surrounded by death. I came for the dark Kitsune, the Beta with anger issues... I came for Void Stiles. That's the pack I want. Unfortunately, it doesn't include Scott." He said anger filling my veins the more he talks, stepping a little closer but not too close, he continues "Your heartbeat's rising, Stiles. It's not because you're afraid. Nogitsune is gone, but you've still got more blood on your hands than any of us." He says making me step closer "I'm about to get more." I told him the anger spilling over, snarling he continues talking "I'll tell you where your dad is, if you promise not to help Scott." He told me, not being able to contain the anger anymore I push him to the ground and punch him a few times giving him a bloody nose, pushing me off he just laughs "There he is! That's Void Stiles. It felt good, didn't it?" He asks groaning, "We won't tell Scott. 'Cause you can't lose your best friend, right? Even though we both know, you never needed him. (Grunting) (Panting) You hate me now, but you'll get it eventually. This is the hard part. 'Cause you can't help Scott and save your dad's life. You've still got time, Stiles. You've still got time." He told me, looking behind me I remembered that Derek and Issac are here "And wow! You brought backup I see, Derek and Issac I believe....do they know?" He asked me mockingly looking at me again, pushing Theo against the nearest wall, smirking he tried get me off him, pushing him back again "You listen to me, you may have gotten Scott to kick me out of the pack, but I'm guessing nobody knows you're here, so if you don't tell me where the hell my dad is I won't hesitate to kill you! And let's be honest you're not really supernatural because you're one of them aren't you? A Chimera, and I may not be possessed by The Nogitsune anymore but we both know it's him that I don't need, where is my dad!!" I told him shouting, throwing him on the floor, losing control a few times it took both Derek and Issac to pull me off Theo, when he got up as well all he did was laugh "Like I said before you have more blood on your hands than all of us." He said smirking then writing on a paper the location of my dad handing it to me "I'll see you later Stiles!" He yelled back as he left.

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