twenty eight

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word got out pretty fast about adrian asking jordan to hogsmeade and it was safe to say draco was furious.

"i'm going to end him blaise! who does he think he is? asking jones out? he's not even her type!" draco said, storming around the common room on wednesday after dinner.

he had just heard the news of adrian and jordan.

"mate, how do you know he isn't her type and there isn't any proof he isn't. until you make a move, nobody will know." blaise said, laying on the couch as he watched draco pace.

"but he should know!" draco complained and blaise rolled his eyes.

"by telepathically communicating with you?" he asked amusingly.

truthfully draco was getting on his nerves and he wanted to be cuddling with daphne but was instead listening to his best friend drone on and on about their friend.

"draco. i want to be with daphne right now. so why don't you go find adrian and sort it out with him, or even better, go fess up to jordan about how you feel." blaise suggested and draco rolled his eyes.

"i don't feel anything about jones. we're friends." draco said, his eyes narrowed.

blaise just scoffed and stood up. "draco, please come find me once you've done something useful."

and with that, blaise stood up and walked out to try to find daphne.

"something useful." draco scoffed and sat down.

"i can't believe you!" a slytherin girl laughed at something adrian had said and he just gave her a smile.

"puecy, i need a word." draco said, getting the eye of the older boy who nodded.

the two went out to the hallway and draco glared at adrian.

"did i do something wrong malfoy?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

draco just narrowed his eyes. "you asked out jones." he said and adrian scoffed.

"so it's a crime for me to ask out pretty girls i liked?" he asked and draco narrowed his eyes even more.

"liked? did you just say liked? puecy i swear to god if you hurt jordan i'll-"

"you'll what? tell your father?" he asked with a smirk and draco couldn't take it.

he swung, striking adrian across the face with his fist.

he smiled in satisfaction when he heard a crack.

"adrian! malfoy! what are you doing?" jordan cried, running up with jackie on her heals.

"malfoy punched me!" adrian yelled and jordan rolled her eyes.

"obviously. what did you do?" she asked and draco shook his head.

"he was going to use you jones. just like that bloody gryffindor." draco said and jordan just stared at the two of them before looking at jackie.

jackie and jordan has what seemed to be a telepathic conversation before jordan sighed.

"is this true?" she asked the other boy and he looked down, giving jordan her answer.

"i see. do with him however you bloody want." jordan said, snarling at adrian before jackie kinked their arms and lead her into the common room.

"jones, jackie! where's draco?" goyle asked, coming up to the two with crabbe behind him.

"probably outside being the shit out of adrian." jackie said, making the boys' mouths drop and they ran past the girls, outside to see what was happening.

jackie and jordan on the other hand went up to the dorms.

"oh, jordan you're back! jackie!" daphne said as soon as the door opened and the girls stepped in.

"hey daph." jordan said softly, going to sit at her vanity so she could brush out her hair.

"what happened?" blaise asked and jackie shook her head.

"the other boys are probably beating the shit out of adrian puecy right about now if you want to go down and help." jackie said and blaise swore.

"that's not what i told him to do. bloody hell." blaise groaned, getting up and running out the door.

daphne just looked confused at the girls. "why are they beating up adrian? is it because-" daphne trailed off and jackie nodded.

"stupid bloody moron can't even let me get a boyfriend from my own house! what the hell does he want with me?" jordan yelled, throwing her brush at the wall.

"he liked you jj. i'm calling it." daphne said with a grin.

"i hate that bloody ass and couldn't give a flying fuck about how he feels!" she said, throwing a bag of hair ribbons also at the wall.

"salazar, stop throwing stuff please." jackie said, picking up the brush and the bag and bringing it back to her.

this, of course, ended up as a bad idea as it gave her more ammunition to use to throw.

"i don't know if that was such a good idea jackie." daphne muttered and looked over to the door.

jackie and jordan also turned their attention to the door and jackie smirked.

"it's quite dangerous in here malfoy. you might not want to come in right now." she said to him and blaise at the door.

blaise smirked as jordan clutched her hairbrush.

"draco, isn't there something you need to say to jordan?" blaise asked, sitting back next to daphne.

"you're an egotistical, narcissistic, ass who doesn't care for anyone, and has extremely bad daddy issues! i never want to see your face ever bloody again!" jordan said, launching her hairbrush at him, hitting him directly in his already bruised eye.

"you have nice aim." draco said as jordan got up and started to hit him with her bag.

"you ruined everything! he liked me malfoy! he thought i was pretty! and he told me to my face! unlike you or any other boy besides seamus and blaise! but no! you spoiled it, you spoiled everything!" jordan shouted, forcing them into the hallway.

draco scoffed and quickly pinned her to the wall.

"jordan, i want to protect you. i always have, you've been too bloody blind to see it! i don't care if you never have another boyfriend again if it means keeping you safe!" he said, shouting back at jordan as angry tears flowed down her face.

"stop pretending to care about me draco! it hurts so much to think you do when i know you don't and never will!" jordan said and draco loosened his grip on her, his face softening.

"jordan, i care about you so much." he whispered, wrapping her in a hug.

"no you don't draco. you don't." she cried, holding onto him tightly.

at this point they had gathered a crowd, not unnoticed by draco, so he let go for a second before wrapping his arm around her.

"follow me." he whispered, leading her down and out of the common room and towards the black lake.

for a while, everything was quiet. they could heard the birds chirping their good nights and singing their songs.


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