And again, Tyler has rendered me absolutely speechless. I don't believe him of course, but he had said it with such vigor and conviction of KNOWING that it is true that I am stunned. How can he feel that strongly about me without knowing the whole truth? The whole, awful truth. I know he is wrong but for a moment it felt nice to think of a positive 'what if', a what if that he was right? And that was a nice thought to have. But I know its not possible. I don't deserve happiness or piece or anything! But when I'm with him I feel like its possible.

Reaching up I grab his arm looking at all the different tattoos he has. "Tell me about them?"

He shrugs, "Some of them were for fun, some of them mean more. I like having them."

"I like them too."

He laughs at that which makes me feel silly, so I push him halfheartedly.

He suddenly gives me a stern look and I think 'oh no', "That wasn't very nice angel."

I don't know what possessed me to do what I did next; it is completely out of character and it was almost like an out of body experience. But the next thing I know, I stick my tongue out at him. To say he was shocked would be a vast understatement, his mouth shaped into an 'O' and his eyebrows shot up. Feeling bold I giggle, stick my tongue out again and run!

I can hear him close behind me chasing me. I can feel myself getting out of breath reminding myself that I am not active and asking myself why I decided to run from the 6ft2 bad boy, stupid mistake honestly.

I feel his hands on my waist and I squeal.

"Let me down! I'm sorry!!"

"Didn't seem so sorry a second ago. But your sorry now huh?"

I nod furiously muttering apologies.

"Gimme a kiss then."

I still immediately and stare at him in confusion.

"One kiss and I will let you go."

I nod and bite my lip. Standing on my tip toes I give him a kiss on the cheek, and I feel his arms circling around my waste.

"Nah-Uh. A real kiss, come on now."

"You never specified!"

He just stares at me as his hands move up my body tickling me as I squirm.

"Okay! Okay!" he stops.

"Good girl." I stare at him pointedly.

I guess its no big deal. He's kissed hundreds of girls and I'm no different. So, with that I grab his face and smash my lips to his. I was expecting him to pull away shortly after he won but he didn't. Instead he deepened the kiss and grabbed my hair in the process. After staying like that for a minute I pull away, needing to breath and get my barring. I can hear him off to my side muttering some stuff but I can't understand any of it so I ignore him. Deciding since he now knows so much about me that it is only right for me to know more about him.

"So, uh tell me about the party."

He looks at me questioning, "not a place for you that's for sure."

I raise my eyebrow up and step back "Oh really? What makes you say that?"

He steps closer, "Cuz I know what type of girl you are."

Now I'm getting upset, "Oh and tell me, what kinda girl is that?"

He smirks, "the good type, study's, shy, doesn't go out, stays inside and reads, keeps to herself, lights out by nine. You certainly don't go to the places I go to or do the things I do."

By the end of his little deduction I burst out laughing. Because I mean like WOW. Its so funny to me how much time has passed and how much I've changed. Once upon a time I don't think that would be how anyone would describe me.

I take a step closer to him, still with my arms folded, "You don't know a single thing about me."

His eyes widen with intrigue, "I was at this place called 'Carl's' on 21st street."

My eyes light up. "Yeah with that ice cream place down the block right?"

"Uh- yea..."

He's surprised, I can tell. Somehow that makes me feel amused because he is so confident except with me.

"Told ya', you don't know me." I say

"Okay point taken. What you doing tonight?"

"Why?" I question him.

"Cuz me and Mac are going out, and I bet he's already asked your friend to come so why don't you show me who you are hm?"

If theres one thing I know about Tyler is that he doesn't invite or ask girls to come with him. NEVER EVER.

"Fine. I'll come."

I just hope I don't regret it.



aaahhhh!!! Here it is!!

WHat do you think??

Now we are learning about Spencers past and we will learn more as time goes on.

as I have said this is based on real life and Im trying to write as close to the truth as possible while still making it interesting and different. 

I thought telling this story would be easy but its bringing up losts of emotions for me so please be patient guys!

See you soon! 

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