Chapter 15

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Hey guys! ITS HERE!! WOOO

Before we start just wanna warn everyone that there is some adult language in this chapter. nothing too crazy but be warned. I really like how this chapter came out so let me know what you think!


After staying at the beach, we went to a small diner nearby. We ate and talked and laughed. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Seeing Tyler outside of school was something totally different. He seemed like a totally different person. Instead of being mean, broody, and violent, he was calm, nice, and funny; it was confusing and slightly worrying about how in an instant it was like dealing with a totally different person like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I've seen when he switches and it's not pretty, like the time at school watching him beat up that poor guy who didn't stand a chance. It was terrifying especially since I do not like nor condone violence of any kind. I know violent people and I know how destructive they can be. Other than rumors and the one time I really haven't seen Tyler lose control and act out. I really hope that is not who Tyler really is- someone who is extremely violent- because I'm not sure how or even if I can handle that. I started thinking of how amazing these few days have been. It's been fun, and blissful, and have given me a sense of hope that I never thought I could feel ever again. But unfortunately, with one moment that changes in an instant. I start thinking about the whys and the what ifs. Why is he being so nice? Why now? I mean we have been in the same schools our whole life whether it be elementary, middle or high school. Why in my senior year has he taken an interest in me? What does he want? And most importantly why do I like his attention so much?? Tyler has obviously taken a notice in my sudden mood change.

"You okay?" he asks intuitively.


"Why what?"

"Why are you being so nice to me?? No offense but you don't have the best reputation? And why all of the sudden now?? Like we've been in other classes together and gone to school with one another since first grade so what's your deal?" I immediately widen my eyes taking in his angry poster and clenched jaw.

I sink back into the booth "I-I mean.... I'm just wondering"

Tyler quickly raises his hand and for a split second, I flinch thinking I would be hit. He stops immediately rubbing his hand down his face.

"Did you just think I would hit you?" He said in a low tone.

"No!" I reply almost too quickly not sure if I am trying to convince him or me.

His dark eyes glare at me with an extremely unnerving intensity. "I mean, You don't have the best reputation at school. I'm not one to believe in rumors but me and my friend saw you beat some poor dude up outside the library a few days ago."

"Have any of the rumors ever been about me laying a hand on a girl."

I chuckle deeply "Oh there's lots of rumors about you putting your hands on girls. In fact, I think you have the most notches in your belt than anyone at that school. So, I ask again, why are you being nice to me? Because if you think you can hump and dump me that isn't happening buddy. Trust me."

I looked at Tyler in a challenging manner and noted that if steam could have been coming out of his ears now would be the moment. Nice going Spencer, you and your big mouth. He gazed at me for a few more minutes while I sat there anxious for his next move. He leaned close speaking in a deep hushed tone. "You are right angel. I've fucked just about every girl in our year, hell I've fucked their moms and sisters too. I get into fights too. Bloody nasty fights. I let all the pent up rage and bottled up angry that I feel unleash onto another person. And you know what angel? I love it. I love the feeling, the power, and winning in both when I have sex or I'm in a fight. I won't explain myself to anyone including your goody-two-shoes ass. I will say this, which is more than most people ever get from me, so be grateful. Every person I have ever fought with has deserved it; I can promise you that. And every woman I've fucked has begged for it so who am I to deny them. You asked why you. Well, the truth is I'm not really sure why, all I know is that when I'm with you the rage and anger is gone, and I like it." After his long speech, he leans back and smirks looking calmer than he did five minutes ago.

Meanwhile, I'm speechless, and I'm pretty sure my mouth was slack hanging open slightly. I realized that when he leaned closer, I automatically tensed my thighs together. As he spoke my whole body was on fire every neuron was fired and I was buzzing with... energy. I absorbed everything he said feeling a big jumbled up mix of crazy emotions ranging from curiosity, disgust, fear, scared, anger, and... something else I couldn't put my finger on, but it definitely made me happy that he at least opened up to me a little bit. As I don't imagine he opens up too many if he does at all.

I slowly smile and nod "Okay well thank you for being honest. That's all I wanted, but you definitely didn't have to be all dramatic about it." I say raising my coffee cup to my lips using the opportunity to smirk noticing his amused expression. He lets out a hearty chuckle muttering something to himself. Soon I joined in the laughter and we both carried on talking and teasing moving on from the previous conversation. Maybe it was just me and my weird overactive imagination, but something shifted. Something was drastically different; I couldn't put my finger on it. But I just knew, something was changing.

Soon after Tyler insisting on paying once again, we leave climbing back into his car. I let out a loud yawn which makes Tyler chuckle. I look at him with my eyes half-closed and ask if it's okay if a take a nap. He nods saying to go ahead and gives me his jacket to use as a blanket. I'm immediately am engulfed in his smell breathing it in deeply I sigh heavily before drifting off to sleep I mumble to Tyler to let me know when we get back into town. Soon I'm dead asleep with a smile on my face.

Tyler POV:

I glance at the sleeping beauty laying next to me on the passenger's side. I smile softly seeing how peaceful she looks.

Beautiful angel.

I think too myself. It's all I ever think when I see her.

Beautiful angel.

Shes a little fire cracker that one.

And enigma.

An absoulute angel.

When she started asking me questions earlier I saw red

How could she say that?

How could she think those things?

But when I saw her flinch away nothing mattered.

My anger gone.

Well, not really.

The anger was only redirected.

Redirected to whoever had hurt her. My thoughts consumed me. Every fiber in my body was electric. I wanted to kill whoever hurt angel.

She thinks I never noticed her.

I don't care.

I wanted to laugh.

Laugh at how wrong she was.

She didn't know. No one did.

I noticed her. Oh, believe me I have. How could I not?

When she mentioned that guy from the library I wanted to scream.

I wasn't lying when I said he deserved it.

Fuck, oh did he deserve it.

There's so much angel does not know... so much she does not realize... but that's okay.

Its better this way.

Is what I tell myself.



Wowza. How did you like the surprise there at the end?? I formatted it differently for Tyler because he is a different person so his thoughts and thought pattern is different. i liked writing in Tyler's perspective so lmk if its something I should do in the future.

Thanks for everyones support so far and as always

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