Chapter 27

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For the remainder of the night, I stayed on Tyler's lap in our own little world away from the party. It was quiet when it was just me and him, not that I minded. Eventually, the fire in the distance started to dwindle as people started to leave.

"I should probably go."

Tyler turns quickly to face me, "Kyle is my ride and its getting late so..."

He nods in understanding, "Okay come on."
We walk towards the center field together, our boots stepping in sync even though he is way taller than me. Off to my left I see Kyle's bright red hair and walk closer, I take note of the few boys from earlier nearby, great.

"YO Kyle!" One of the guys shouts and then points to me.

Kyle looks at me and his face lights up. "SPENCERRR! Heyyy!" He shouts in my face, giving me a slobby sweaty hug. I can smell the alcohol from his breath, and I instantly know I am going to have to find another way home.

"Hey bud, have fun."

He nods going into a rambling story about his night although all of it is gibberish and I can't understand anything that comes out of his mouth. Without meaning to I let out a big yawn which makes both Kyle and Tyler look at me, great.

"Thanks for inviting me Kyle but I'm getting tired so I'm gonna start heading home now"

"Okay" he said, "But I'm too drunk still."

I laugh, "I know stupid, I'll just walk."

Next to me I hear a gruff, "No"

Turning to my right I hazily still see Tyler there. Honestly, I thought he had left by now and I didn't know why he was still standing there.

"I'll take you home." Tyler declares.

My eyebrows shoot up and just as I'm about to politely decline Kyle chimes in again.

"That's great! Now you don't have to walk!"

"Oh no its okay really." I say to Tyler.

"No Tiger its late, dark, and alone plus your tired and it's a long walk. Please let Tyler take you home." Kyle says. I know he has a point, but I like the darkness and the secrets it holds. But I know why he wants me to be with someone so I sigh and nod yes which makes Kyle smile wide. I get another big, sweaty hug and a kiss on my forehead as I can feel eyes boring into the side of my head.

Turning I see Tyler with his signature smirk. He's back everyone.

"Cheer up angel, I'm not too bad."

"Nah not your not that bad." I confirm.

He looks stunned for a second and looks like he is about to say something, but he instead closes his mouth and signals me to follow.

Somehow our steps are in sync and when I sneak a look at him, I can tell he is taking smaller steps so I can keep up. I smile when I realize he is making sure I'm in stride with him, both of our black boots are crunching on the leaves in sync. After a minute we get back to the parking lot where he leads me to a gunmetal motorcycle, great.

"No car?" I question sighing.

"Scarred angel?"

I scoff, "No I just prefer doors, and a roof, and seatbelts, and airbags, you know proper safety precautions."

He gives me a look and turns to open some secret compartment in the back. He holds up a white helmet and lets out a cheer. Next thing I know he walks over to me and squeezes this tight helmet on my head.


"There you go angel! Safety precautions check!" He slaps the top of the helmet twice making my headache come back. I look at him and the motorcycle and grumble. With my arms folded I walk up to his bike trying to figure out how to get on.

"Woah! Easy there babe. You've drank some right?"

I nod.

"Okay then your center of gravity is off balanced because of the alcohol so I'm going to need you to hold on tight okay?"

I mod again. He then lets me use him as a booster to get my leg on the other side of the bike. His hand is on the back of my leg and even though its one simple touch I can feel my skin tingle. Stupid alcohol. I skooch towards the back of the seat as he flies over the bike like a master starting it up the motorcycle roars to life making me grab onto Tyler. Maybe this was a bad idea. I feel Tyler kick the little stand and off we are flying in the night. The cold air is whipping my hair around my face and I cant see much over this stupid helmet that's too big for my head but as I hold onto Tyler's back I can hear his breathing and suddenly everything else fades away and I feel a sense of calm I don't think I have ever felt in my life. And for the first time I think I'm almost glad to be alive. Almost, not quite.

For most of the trip I had my eyes closed because the wind was so strong it was hard to even keep them open. But feeling the cool breeze and the motion of the motorcycle made me feel like I was flying. Eventually we stopped and when I opened my eyes I realized that we were not in front of my house but in the same huge private garage that is under his apartment.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Um, what's this?"

Tyler looks at me amused, "What? You got dementia or something? My place."

"Kyle said to take me home. This isn't home."

"Ha is that place you call 'home'. You really rather be trapped inside that house?"

I pause at his question, after a quick back and forth in my head I decided that I didn't want to go home, or to what once was home. It hasn't been a home in many years. I sheepishly look down and shake my head to Tyler.

"What do you want Spencer?"

"Can I stay?" I ask sheepishly at him with my best puppy dog eyes.

When he looks at my expression he laughed, "You're always welcome."

I walk with him to the elevator,

"Plus with the way you snuck out last time I figured it was time for a part two don't ya think?" He says, going into the elevator beside me. His tone is light so I know he isn't being rude. I cringe, not one of my best moments, but what does he mean?

"Part two?" I look up at him when saying this and before I know it his lips are on mine. Every time I feel his lips on mine, his hands around my waist I feel like I belong with him, no one else.

I kiss him back and I feel him smile. Cocky as always.


The doors are opened to his suite and we step away from each other I don't know what to do, I'm not like this, plus wasn't he with Monica earlier? Ugh I feel sick.

I walk out the elevator behind him and I don't know what to do with myself. I don't like feeling this way.

"What you thinking about?" He asks.

"I don't know what you are doing to me Tyler." I say honestly.

He tilts his head to the side and I can't help but think he looks like a confused little puppy. I smile at the thought of this big scary man as a puppy.

"I don't know what your doing to me either Spencer. But I enjoy your company."

I smile at him because in this moment that's enough for me. 


Hey guys sorry this took so long, wattpad wouldnt let me upload in a while but here yall go :) hope you like it!

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