Chapter 9

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I woke up to a loud bang which jolted me awake. I saw a flash with another loud bang, followed by three other loud bangs. Before I know it, I'm screaming my head off hiding under the covers wailing. I hear loud thumps of someone climbing the stairs quickly making me more scared that this is the end. 'I know what loud bangs mean, nothing good.' I thought 'this is it. I'll finally die tonight. At least I won't have to worry about any of them anymore-' before I can continue with my paranoid thoughts I hear a deep voice call out:


I hear a familiar voice call out in the darkness, laced with worry and concern. Before I know it, I see a bright yellow light close to me which takes a while for me to adjust too. Once my eyes adjust I see a figure that's none other than Tyler staring at me with a look of confusion, worry, and relief. Before he can say or do anything I leap into his arms, circling my skinny arms around his neck tightly. My heart is still pounding and I'm shaking and crying. As I hear another loud crack and flash of light I clutch to Tyler tighter muttering,

"Bad things happen in lighting, storm is bad, bad, bad. Bad things happen...."

As I whisper this with a shaky voice trying to explain to Tyler what's wrong I feel his arms wrap around me tightly. I hear him quietly shush me and calm me down. slowly my eyes and brain adjust to my current situation- in a boys embrace with his hands around my tiny frame as I'm crying about the storm. Quickly I unravel my arms and legs from Tyler plopping down on the bed, staring at Tyler who wears an indescribable expression. Feeling entirely embarrassed, stupid, and insecure about the fact that I showed a completely scarred, vulnerable, weak side of myself I hide my face in my hands. I feel warm and rough hands covering my own, bringing them down slowly revealing Tyler kneeling in front of me looking worried.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

It's a seemingly normal question with a long answer. I mean how do I explain everything that has happened. Why I'm scared of storms? Why I'm constantly running, looking over my shoulder with guards up? Even in the short amount of time that I have known him I feel at ease. Almost like I could trust him someday. For once I'm tired of running, of hiding, or not trusting, of having my guard up. For once I want to talk, to confide in someone, and to maybe trust someone with a piece of me. Not a lot, just a little piece of me that someone besides Tally, my only friend knows everything and understand because she is a good person. In my heart I believe that Tyler is a good person too. So, without another thought I give Tyler a piece of me, of my story.

"S-sorry. I just don't like this weather.... I guess I'm a little scarred."

Okay so that wasn't to bad. Looking back up at Tyler's bewildered face leads me to sigh and try again.

"It's just that like- things have happened in a bad storm. Bad things, you know? Like life altering bad. So, um- I guess every time I'm placed in a similar scene or setting my mind goes to the bad thing." Pointing to my head and doing an awkward little chuckle I continue

"I know it's stupid, that's just how I'm wired. Its prob-"I'm cut off with Tyler's warm hands cupping my cheeks.

"You just have to make good memories to replace the bad ones."

I have never heard that advice. It stumps me a bit because the bad memories will always be there regardless. The bad has always outweighed the good in my life. Every dark memory consumes my mind like thick, black ink on a white page. I carry the burden of unthinkable atrocities on my back without a second thought. I live with the constant pain that reminds me at every corner what has happened. The black ink of death will always be there regardless of good memories. I try to think of my good memories but come up blank.

"I guess I don't have many good memories."

Coming to the harsh realization that yes, I really don't have any good memories since all of them died.

"Well then, we just need to make some good memories. Starting with food then movies."

Watching Tyler stretch out his long hand to me looking at me expectedly I shyly placed my hand in his. Being quickly lifted onto Tyler's back as he bounces us down the big staircase to the kitchen. I let out a soft giggle thinking an unbelievable thought-

Maybe this could work. Maybe I could have a good memory after the everything that has happened.

And for what seemed like the millionth time today I felt hopeful... all thanks to a certain bad boy... 


I have graduated!!! Hopefully I will update more. I still dont like this story but oh well. 


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