Chapter 4

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After lunch my friend and I went in opposite ways. We hugged and promised to meet up after school. I quickly rushed to my next class- English, my favorite.

As a went to my seat to sit down my teacher Ms. M as we all called her smiled at me which I reciprocated. As I sat down I heard an eruption of laughter from behind me. Curiously I turned my head around seeing Monica staring straight at me. I snarled at her, making my eyes into slits that were metaphorically shooting out knives and stabbing her.

"You got a problem?"

"Heard Tyler is sitting next to you in class. Better watch your back bitch"

"Or what? You'll pull my hair, or corner me in a parking lot, beat me up until I'm unrecognizable as a human? Well, that's funny because I was thinking of doing the exact same thing to you if you don't leave me the fuck alone and mind your business."

Monica immediately stutters and turns beet red drawing her eyes to the front of the classroom.

"Hum- I thought so." I said back to her feeling victorious.

Soon the class started and droned on into the lesson.

As the class ended and students funneled out Ms. M gestured to me to sit down by her desk. As she closed the door I propped my feet up and opened a pack of gummies from my backpack. I shook it in front of her asking if she wanted some; which she graciously accepted.

"So how was your date Mrs. M?"

"Oh, it was completely awful- she showed up late, when we sat down for our meal it took her an hour to choose what to eat- which was one of the most expensive meals they had, and then when it came time to pay she had "Forgotten her wallet"!!? I mean if you're going to ask me on a date- a first date- you pay!!?"

By the end of her rant I was laughing so hard.

"Maybe it was her first time at the restaurant and didn't know what to order?" I offered to which I received a pointed look.

"She was the one who asked me!!?" she replied, throwing her arms up in annoyance; which only made me laugh harder.

"Did you pay?" I asked

"Hell no! I said, 'no thanks' and dashed out!"

At that answer I laughed so hard I had my hands on my stomach and had tears streaming down my face. 

"That's my girl Ms. M!"

With that we fist bumped and went onto eating more snacks. When teaching Ms. M was a regular, run of the mill teacher; but behind closed doors (and with me) she was super hilarious and had the best stories of her disastrous dates. I've told her many times that she should cool is with these 'disastrous dates' but she always looks at me with a small smile saying "One day I'm gonna find her- the one. Just like you will; and then we will have a big joint wedding!" To which I always let out a loud snort and roll my eyes. No one can ever love this much baggage- I wouldn't let them.

At some point in our rambling talk she brought up my most feared, hated, and annoying questions ever –

"How are you?"

I shuddered with disdain. Stalling with messing with the hem up my shirt giving a shrug. When I looked up Ms. M was staring at me. I sighed feeling the need to offer her some kind of answer, albeit not a good one.

"I'm okay. Some days are better than others." I say. To which she gave me a soft look and a small smile.

"I know hun." Even though she doesn't know and hadn't said a lot I appreciated her kind, comforting words. I offered her a small smile back. As we sat there in silence the door is suddenly banged which such force I thought it was going to break off. I yelped in surprise while Ms. M yelled at the person.

"You watch it Tyler!"

"Sorry ma'am." Said an amused voice.

Oh no. I know that voice. Please don't see me. Please don't talk to me. Please don't pay any mind to the blob eating gummies on the desk. I said; having an internal monologue. But of course nothing could ever work out for poor little Spencer.

"Hey there chick from math."

I inwardly cringed. I mean we have been in the same class all year! I mean, granted he didn't always show up but that's not the point!

"It's Spencer." I replied sharply, getting lost in those beautiful eyes.

"Ooohhh my mistake. Spencer. Can I have some?" he asked holding out his hand. I looked at him confused but then looked down to see my bag of gummies on my lap. I quickly searched them up and pulled them closer to me.

"NO." I growled. I internally cringed. Now why the hell would you do that Spencer?? Why didn't you just give him one?! I saw what happened to the poor guy earlier; he will castrate you! I looked up to see him staring at me mildly amused, and a bit of something else. I turned my head to Mr. M silently pleading to her for help. Thankfully, somehow, she heard my silent screams and butted into the conversation.

"Spencer here is actually five years old and doesn't know how to behave with a man as handsome as you. She doesn't like to share; ESPECIALLY her gummies." Ms. M said all this with an amused expression on her face as she turned to look at me.

Blanking out and not really listening I replied "Yes exactly! Wait, WHAT? HEY! That's not fair Ms. M!" Heat slowly creeped to my ears and I pulled my hair down so no one would see.

I hear Tyler near me chuckling.
"Oh, I see that." He murmurs softly. Oh yeah, you think your such a tough guy, right? Wait till I shove my foot up your ass. Won't be so tough then, right? I had quietly mumbled to myself when I felt a hand on my head. As I looked up I saw Tyler's eyes staring into mine as he tucked my hair behind my ears saying

"Don't hide your face angel." I was flabbergasted and didn't know what to do or say. Suddenly I heard a crinkle noise from behind me and before I knew it Tyler was popping gummies in his mouth.

As I stared at him in shock Ms. M busted out laughing while Tyler looked smug, eating MY gummies.

As I looked around at the two of them I thought to myself-

Oh lord. 

* Edited from original* 

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