Chapter 3

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 As Fallon and I stood outside the cafeteria my palms started to get sweaty. My best friend looked at me with a knowing look and asked me what I wanted. After I gave her my order I spun around heading towards the library. I had my earphones plugged in at the loudest volume and didn't hear nor see the figure heading my way. Unfortunately, we collided smacking into each other. Immediately I apologize as I am such a considerate person.

"Watch where you're going!" Snapped a loud voice. Looking up I immediately paled and blushed.

"I- I um sorry!"

Why is this dude so tall?

His eyes lit in recognition, he bent down muttering to himself.

"Here." He replied thrusting my phone and tangled earbuds into my chest.

"I- uhh thank you."

Why is he helping me? What does he want? PLEASE don't bring up the 'eye comment'! These thoughts were circling my head making me feel queasy.

When I realized that he wasn't going to move I rolled my eyes, huffed and walked around him to get where I needed to go. Slyly tucking my phone and earbuds in my back pocket I could hear his heavy footsteps retreating to the cafeteria. Huh? I didn't know he had this lunch. As I walked to the library I waved to the librarian and sat at the usual back corner spot pulling out my work as I waited for my food.

Soon Fallon joined me with two lunch trays piled high with food. We sat and ate while she helped me with math and I helped her with her history essay. As we were talking about life we heard some sort of commotion in the hallway. Even though me and Fallon were in a hidden corner if we turned around we could see the front of the library with its glass windows and doors. We instinctively looked to see what was going on. I was about to turn back but suddenly there was a loud BANG. In a flash the window was smeared with blood and a poor fool was getting beat to a pulp. I immediately gasped at the loud noises, and the blood gushing. As a fist plummeted in this guy's face I saw piercing blue eyes. I KNEW it was Tyler beating up some no name. I mean that's what he does? I rolled my eyes and soon three teachers pulled Tyler off the kid who was slumped over. As Tyler was being pulled away by Reps I looked at him with sympathy. He meant my eyes and it almost seemed like he visibly relaxed; at least enough so the Reps were able to get a better handle on him.


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