Chapter 36: Dinnertime

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Soon, the day is close to an end, Tom stir the pot of gnocchi and put in the spaghetti stringer and let the water drained in the sink.
Tom: Gnocchi's done. Time to add the sauce. *He get the pan with the sauce and poured some in the gnocchi.* Mmm. Hot gnocchi. *He put it in a bowl and get the salad too.* Dinner's ready! *Marinette and Timmy walk downstairs to the dining room.*
Sabine: What is it?
Tom: Gnocchi and salad.
Marinette: Smells good, dad.
Tom: Thank you, Marinette. *He serve the gnocchi to everybody and he sit down.*
Timmy: Since I tried gnocchi, I liked it.
Tom: I'm glad you do. *He get the salad bowl and he serve himself some salad and pass the bowl to Sabine.*
Sabine: Anything been going on in school?
Marinette: Well... something happened.
Sabine: What is it, Marinette?
Tom: You didn't get in trouble, did you?
Marinette: No. This is different.
Tom: How different?
Marinette: There's this boy...
Sabine: A boy? It's Adrien, is it?
Marinette: No. It's not Adrien. It's Luka. *She eat some gnocchi.*
Sabine: Who's Luka? *Tom drink some water and Timmy push the salad aside.*
Marinette: He's Juleka's older brother.
Tom: I think I saw him drive by on his bike for a delivery job.
Marinette: Yeah, that's him.
Sabine: He sounds like a nice boy. *She eat some salad and drink her iced tea.*
Marinette: He's okay. Is it okay if he comes over Saturday?
Tom: I don't know. We have a shipment for bake goods for a Girl Scout troop for some stuff they need.
Sabine: We can handle it ourselves.
Tom: Well... okay. I wanna meet him before you two do something.
Marinette: Okay. (This might go well. Thankfully they didn't ask me did we kiss.) *She eat some salad and drink some water.*
After dinner, Marinette work on her dress design, Tikki look at the dress.
Tikki: The dress looks beautiful, Marinette.
Marinette: Thanks, Tikki. I know summer isn't for 2 more months, I decided to make a spring dress. And a few other stuff.
Tikki: Like what?
Marinette: A hat. *She showed her a sun hat with a daisy on top, another sun hat with a gold swirls on it. It was difficult to get the design.
Tikki: Pretty. What's this scarf?
Marinette: That's mine. I was working on it. I was waiting for the moment to wear it, but since tomorrow is the day I wear it with... *She go to the closet and pulled out a light blue dress, black leggings, and a pair of black converse.* This look.
Tikki: Wow. I wanna see you wear it.
Marinette: Tomorrow. *She put it back in the closet.* Just a few more stitches and it's all done. *She get the dress done.*

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