Chapter 18: Heroes vs Iceman part 2

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Outside, Cat Noir fight off the ice soldiers, until one of them caught him.
Cat Noir: Ugh. Let go of me. You're freezing my whisker off, if I do have them.
Iceman: Quiet, you pussy cat. Now that your precious love bug isn't here, I can take your miraculous and be on my way to retrieve the bug's miraculous.
Ice Noir: I hate being in a cold situation.
Ice bug: Hey, cold heart. Looking for me?
Iceman: Ladybug! You're just in time. I'm about to take your little companion's miraculous and take yours too.
Ice bug: I wouldn't worry about that. *She threw her yo-yo at Iceman and hit him in the head.*
Iceman: Ow! You're gonna pay for that. Soldiers, attack! *The ice soldiers charge at them, Ice bug, Ice rouge, SnowPace, and Eskimo charge too and fight them off. Ladybug threw her yo-yo at a few and they shattered into pieces, Ice rouge hit her flute and one and it shattered too, SnowPace threw his shell at a few and they start to shatter too, and Eskimo twirl his scepter and hit and blast a few ice soldiers. He go to Ice Cat.*
Eskimo: Cat Noir, duck! *He threw his scepter at one ice soldier and it shattered, Ice Cat hit the ground.*
Ice Cat: Hhhha, thanks uh... who are you?
Eskimo: Eskimo. Come on! *They come with the others.*
Ice bug: Good. You freed him.
Iceman: Try to stop me. *He touch his hands down and made an ice fort.* In my indestructible ice fort!
Ice Rouge: How do we stop him?
Ice bug: If only I have a solution to that. Just hit me whatever you got.
Ice Noir: I got this. *His ring glowed green.* Cataclysm! *His hand start to glow and he touched the ice fort and it start to melt and collapse.*
Iceman: No! My fort. You're gonna regret this.
Hawkmoth VO: Iceman, unless you don't wanna melt forever, I suggest you give me those miraculouses and finish them off!
Iceman: You're really trying to irk me here, I am trying at least. Try to defect this blast. *His hands start to glow and made a huge ice blast and freeze Paris into below zero degrees.*
Ice Noir: S-s-s-so cold, M-m-m-m-Milady.
Ice bug: This... should... help. *She get her yo-yo out.* L-lucky charm! *She threw her yo-yo up and a swarm of magical ladybugs appeared and made a heat lamp appeared.* A heat lamp?
SnowPace: How will that stop him from turning Paris into a ice wasteland?
Ice bug: I have a plan.
Iceman: Hope you like icicles! *He made a dozen of icicles appeared and he threw one at them.*
Ice bug: SnowPace!
SnowPace: Shelter! *He made a green dome appeared and the icicle broke from the shield.*
Iceman: Stupid shield!
Ice bug: The akuma's in his hat, we'll have to stop him whatever we got. And I know how. Ice Rouge, create an illusion to throw him off of his trail to us, Eskimo, use your power on my cue.
Ice rouge: You got it.
Eskimo: Okay.
Ice bug: Open the dome! *SnowPace open the dome and more icicles were being thrown at. Ice Noir's miraculous start to beep.*
Ice Noir: (Oh no. Not now.)
Ice bug: Go! *They charge at Iceman again.*
Iceman: Feel the cold pain! *He summon his ice soldiers again and keep throwing icicles, Ladybug kick one soldier and threw her yo-yo at a few icicles, Ice rouge blow on her whistle until the end glow.* Mirage! *She point her flute at an open area and made an illusion of them.* Perfect!
Iceman: What the? Hey! *The illusion run off.* Come back here! *He went after them.*
Ice bug: Good. He's distracted. Eskimo, you're up. *Eskimo run behind him and jump from building to building. Ice bug look around and see what she can use for her lucky charm. She sees some rope and an outside outlet. Perfect! *She go to the rope and tie up the heat lamp and plug it up too.* This should stop him.
Iceman: Freeze! *He use his powers and the illusion disappeared.* What the? It was a fake?! Where are they? *He looked around and no sign of them. Eskimo looked down and he sees them, he leap down and face him. His scepter glowed White.*
Eskimo: Polar Bear roar. *He rose super loud and made a sonic wave appeared, Iceman hold on to his grip on the lamp post.*
Iceman: Stop! I can't hold on much longer! *He start to loosen his grip and he went flying. Ice bug turn on the heat lamp to full power and Iceman went under it and start to melt a little bit and his skin is pale and blue.*
Ice bug: I'll take this. *She take the hat and rip it apart, then the akuma flew out. She get her yo-yo out.* No more evil doing for you, little Akuma. *She open her yo-yo and start twirling it.* Time to de-evilize! *She threw it and catch the akuma.* Gotcha. *She open the yo-yo and freed the butterfly.* Bye bye, little butterfly. *She pick up the heat lamp.* Miraculous Ladybug! *She threw it up in the air and the ice start to melt and everything turned back to normal.*
Heroes (except Ice Noir): Pound it!
Stan: Whoa. What happened?
Ice bug: You were akumatized, but it's okay. It's all over.
Stan: Thanks, guys. The mayor wants to close down the ice rink because not much people has come for free skating lessons.
Ice bug: I'm sure there's something you can do to save the ice rink.
Stan: I think there is. Thanks again. *He run back to the ice rink. Soon, all of their miraculouses start to beep.*
Ice bug: Come on, we better get you guys out of here. *They skate away.*
Hawkmoth: NOOOOOOOOOO! *The window start to close and he scowl too.* Never again. I repeat NEVER AGAIN will I ever trust a villain with a specific task like that again. I will come up with away to get those miraculouses even if I freeze Paris myself!

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