Chapter 7:

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Harry got a call from his old friend named Cara she said she wanted to meet, he decided on Louis' work so he can see him afterwards, he got dressed in a lilac sweater and black jeans with his old boots and went to pick her up.

She was telling a story about a model splitting her dress on the runway when he caught sight of Louis and smiled at the beautiful boy, but Louis just left, leaving Harry confused.

Later that night Harry didn't get any texts or calls from Louis, he texted every 30 minutes and called every hour, he stopped at 3 when he finally went to bed alone and cold.

Louis woke up and remembered what he saw and he felt heartbroken, but he had to remember that him and Harry weren't dating so he couldn't get mad.

Louis sighed as he got ready for work and said bye to Niall that had two cereal bowls and three plates full of food infront of him.

Louis decided he'd grab some food from starbucks before his shift started there.

Halfway through the shift a he was getting bored and didn't pay attention to who's in line anymore.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you?" Louis asked only glancing at the person.

"You?" The voice said.

Louis was shocked at what the man said but still didn't look at the person.

"Well sorry sir I'm not on the menu, let's try that again, hi welcome to starbucks wh-" Louis said finally looking up and getting met with green eyes.

"Hey Lou." Harry said with a slight smile.

"Hey Harry." Louis said back.

"Can we talk?" Harry asked the boy.

"Not now Harry I'm working." Louis said breaking the eye contact.

"Fine when do you get off." Harry said not giving up.

"Three hours." Louis said looking at the boy.

"Fine I can wait three hours." Harry said smiling.

"Your gonna have to get something so I can let you stay." Louis said with a slight chuckle making Harry beam.

"Ok I'll get what ever you think I'll like." Harry said handing Louis 100 dollars.

"I'll be right over there until your ready to talk." Harry said pointing to an empty seat before leaving and sitting down.

The only time he got up in the three hours were to grab his drink and food and go to the bathroom.

Louis was surprised that the boy was still there.

"Your lover boy is waiting for you." His coworker Candy said.

"He doesn't like me C." Louis said sighing before taking off his apron.

"Lou, he's been sitting their for three hours no dude who didn't like you romantically wouldn't wait three hours, your friends never wait that long, he's head over heels for you." Candy said before walking away.

Louis though about if before he went to the curly haired boy.

Louis walked over to the table finding Harry passed out Louis smiled softly before pouring a little bit of the water on Harry's head making the boy jump up.

"Fuck Lou." Harry whined wiping the water off his face.

"Oops." Louis said innocently before grabbing the boy and dragging him out of the store.

"So want did you want to talk about Harry?" Louis asked walking next to Harry down the street.

"What happened yesterday?"Harry asked looking at the boy as he saw the smile fall from his face.

"Um I overreacted, you went to coffee I got jealous then I realized you weren't mine, so I have no right to." Louis said not turning to look at the boy.

"Do you want me to be yours?" Harry asked staring at Louis.

"What?" Louis asked having a shocked look on his face.

"Do you want me to be yours Louis William." Harry asked in a harder tone.

"Why would you want to be mine Harry, your rich you own your own bloody company, and you want to date a guy who lives with his three best friends, still in Uni and working at Starbucks, you were out with a model, why not date them they're so pretty Harry and I'm just me." Louis said desperately.

"Because your beautiful Louis, you make me feel safe and like I'm normal, and at home and I've never felt at home! I could give two shits about those models all I fucking want is you!" Harry said just as much passion as Louis.

"No you don't." Louis said looking down at his feet.

"Don't tell me what my feelings should be, I've been told my feelings for 19 years and the one time I can control my actions the boy try's to control me! I've liked you ever since I laid my eyes on you, why can't you believe that I like you!" Harry said harsher, his patience thinning by the minute.

"I'm sorry Harry, but your just being rebellious because I was the first taste of freedom you've had, I like you so much Harry, but you don't like me." Louis said walking faster than him regretting the words as soon as he said it.

"For fucks sake Louis I am a thousand percent certain I like you why just why can't you except that and date me, I'm sorry that your theory about me is wrong but I know I like you and I've had my share of rebellion so why do you think I'd use you than throw you to the curb when I'm done." Harry said losing hope in himself.

"Harry I just need to be alone right now." Louis said not really knowing what to say.

Harry was shocked he opened his mouth but nothing came out but as soon as he looked to the ground than back up Louis was gone, he just left, and that fucking hurts.

Harry stood outside Louis apartment for a solid 10 minutes until he snapped out of it and walked back to Starbucks to grab his car and drive home, while Louis was running up the stairs to his apartment, he slammed the door causing Niall, Liam and Zayn to jump up in surprise.

"You ok Lou?" Niall asked walking up to his friend who had tears going down his face.

"H-Harry, c-came I-into the store t-to talk and waited m-my whole s-shift to talk then told me he l-l-likes m-me, b-but h-he lying." Harry said crying to his friends.

"Lou, I've known Harry my whole life, he's never used anyone before, he loves with his whole heart Lou." Liam said taking his attention off Zayn and putting it all on Louis.

"He used Taylor." Louis said wiping his tears.

"Taylor knew that what they had wasn't real, he dated because he loves his family too much, then they pushed their limits on him and broke him. I did it to, and you saw what happened, Lou Harry wouldn't lie about this, he's never looked at someone the same way he looks at you." Liam said.

"I told him I liked him he said he likes me back and I told him he was wrong, all the other boys did the same and broke me, I'm not doing it again." Louis said staring at the ground, determined in his words.

"Lou, if you do this you'll never be happy, you've always picked the wrong guys and I've fucking told you they were wrong but no the one time I fucking tell you to go for a guy who is nice and sweet and genuine you decided you know what fuck his advice again fuck my feelings let me say no break his and my heart in the process let him never fucking move on and let me go to a fucking sick had and suffer for the rest of my god damn life instead of being happy!" Zayn yelled getting up and leaving the room causing Louis to flinch and tears gather in his eyes.

A/N: sorry for not posting like anything in like fifty years, I have a lot of story ideas and I'm still writing this will probably have 12 chapters so probably 5 more chapters left but then I'll post a new story🤍

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