Chapter 6:

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Soon Louis pulled up the the apartment complex and damn these looked like three of Louis' flat combined together. He decided to text Harry telling he's here becasue he doesn't know what room he's in.

To H:
Hey i'm here what number are you?

From H:
Oh, room 7D, i'll buzz you up.

Louis responded with an ok before he made his way into the building and pressed on the button 7D, a couple seconds later there was a buzz and the door unlocked, he made it up to the fourth floor and rang Harry's doorbell.

He waited for a couple seconds until he heard the door opened and he saw Harry smiling at him.

"Hi."Harry says smiling at Louis.

"Hi."Louis says exhaling, feeling breathless while looking at Harry.

Harry lets Louis into his new apartment that was around 10 minutes away from from his shared flat.

The flat had white walls and a big living room that opened up to a dining room and a kitchen there were two doors on one side and a hallway on the other, the hallway led to three doors. There was a dark blue couch with a black rug and two dark blue chairs with a tv and a clear coffee table, the dining room had a black dining table with six chairs around it and the kitchen had a couple boxes in them so did other rooms.

"Sorry I um called you as soon as I got all the boxes and furniture in the house." Harry said rubbing behind his neck looking Louis up and down.

Louis was wearing a black jumper, with black skinnies and his black glasses kinda matching Harry who had his hair wrapped up in a bandanna and a grey jumper wearing black skinnies.

"Um so where do you want to start?"Louis said snapping Harry out of his haze.

"Um I want to hand with um hanging stuff up on the walls, and um where things should go I guess."Harry said shuffling around the flat.

They spent the next 3 hours putting up pictures and decorations around the large flat. There was artworks from people Louis has ever heard or even can pronounce, there were only pictures of Harry and Gemma that were invloved around his family, he had photos of him and liam, Louis saw a bunch of unfilled frames around too.

"Hey H why does these frames have nothing in them?"Louis asks pointing to the empty frames.

"For new memory's now that I have you, Niall, Liam, and Zayn."Harry said with a shrug, Harry went into the kitchen.

Louis blushed and went to sit on the couch turning on the t.v., a couple minutes with two cups of tea, setting them down infront of the two.

They sat in silence for a couple minutes, before Louis felt like he was getting tired, so he got up and grabbed a blanket and wrapped himself in it, he laid his head down in Harry's lap and soon fell asleep with Harry's hand in his hair.


Louis soon woke up with a jolt from a loud noise, he soon looked and saw the t.v. was on and it was playing 'Mean Girls'  and Regina just got hit by the bus, Louis rubbed his eyes and saw Harry sleeping, he was still sitting up with his head was lying on the back of the couch with his hands on his thigh and one on Louis'  chest.

"Harry, H wake up."Louis said sitting up and shaking the boy a little. The boy soon snorted and woke up staring at Louis.

"Ugh, what time is it?"Harry said rubbing his eyes. Louis looks over at the coffee table and grabbing his phone seeing it said 3:46 am, he had 20 missing texts from Niall, 6 missed calls from Liam,  2 missing texts from Zayn, and 1 missed call from his mom.

"3:46 am, H"Louis said reading the texts.

"Oh damn, i'm sorry just was really tired i guess."Harry said not looking at the other boy.

"Why are you saying sorry H, so what you fell asleep, so did I, it's fine I enjoyed sleeping with you, your very warm."Louis said.Harry smiled and hugged the boy.

Soon the two fell asleep cuddling together, Louis ontop of Harry, with Harry's arms wrapped around him.


Soon the two boys woke up again at 9:00 am , they at breakfast together making funny jokes and flirting, soon Louis had to go to his job at Starbucks.

Before he left he gave Harry a kiss on a cheek, leaving both boys blushing and smiling wide. Soon Louis made it home for the three sitting on the couch watching a random movie.

"Hey lads."Louis says entering the flat.

"Where the fuck have you've been?!"Niall yelled running up to the smaller lad and hugging him tightly.

"I was at Harry's sorry I wasn't responding I fell asleep, I have to get to work though lads."Louis said when Niall let go of him, the other two smiled, he walked into his room(That he shared with Niall) and got changed into his work attire.


Louis was almost done with his shift, and all he wanted to do was go home and sleep, one of his coworkers kept flirting with him and there were so many rude customers today too. He also wanted to talk to Harry, he missed the lad alot.

The door chime rang and Louis saw Harry, he smiled very large until he saw the boy laughing with another girl, they were very touchy with eachother, Louis smiled faultered and soon Harry caught his eye and smiled, but soon his smile turned into a confused and worried look and Louis just walked into the back, taking off his apron and grabbed his bag, on the way out from the back door tears streamed down his face, Zayn and Liam had a date night and Niall was at a friends, Louis took a shower and cried his way to sleep.


Hope y'all enjoyed, I lost some energy to finish this chapter so it took a long time to get out :(_-Lx

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