Chapter Ten - The Bunker

Start from the beginning

"Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters." He shone his flashlight over the table, revealing a chessboard, ashtray and two unfinished cups of coffee. "Wow. Halfway through their coffee and a game of chess – looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick." Sam scoffed frowning.

"On the alarm call that ended the Men of Letters." The hunter spoke darkly. Dean walked over to a control box, pulling a leaver and causing the lights to flicker on, illuminating their faces in a soft glow. Selene flinched away from the light.

"Son of a bitch." Dean repeated, as they laid their eyes upon the next room. Filled with old leather sofas and bookcases lined with every book known to man on folklore and the like, this place was like a goldmine for the hunters. And a safe haven for the brunette.

"Sammy, I think we found the bat cave." Dean grinned, giddily.


After a few minutes of exploring the bunker, Selene found her way to the bedrooms. Picking a random one she opened the dark spruce door, and laid down on the firm mattress inside. Looking up at the ceiling above her, the brunette contemplated her actions.

She had chosen to leave Normal. Unintentionally, but she had no regrets. Selene had just stuck with the brothers as they went to Lebanon Kansas to find the bunker with the key their grandfather died for. After Henry's death, her body was on autopilot, her decisions being numbed by grief and pain. By being here she was betraying her fathers wishes, and the promise she had made to him three years ago.

But Selene had made another promise. To Henry as he died in her arms. That she would protect Sam and Dean with her life. The guilt she felt at the man of letters' death was suffocating her, the only thing providing some sentiment of relief was that she would be keeping his grandsons safe.

Even if it was at her own expense.

A soft knock at the door broke her from her thoughts. The brunette sat up from her place on the bed to be met by the concerned gaze of the younger Winchester. Sam furrowed his brows in worry.

"Hey Selene." The hunter paused awkwardly at the doorway, unsure if he should enter. Sam bit his lip in thought, contemplating his words. "I know that losing Henry was hard for you." He began slowly, taking a step into the room.

"I mean, it's hard for us too." He ran a hand through his hair. "Dean and I have lost more people than we can count." Sam laughed bitterly. "It feels as if everyone we've ever loved has ended up dying because of us. I guess it's just come to the point where we've got dumb to it all."

Selene frowned, pulling her knees into her chest. She hated that she was sulking in her room, when Sam and Dean had already gotten over it. Henry was their grandfather, Selene hardly knew the man, and yet here Sam was comforting her when it should be the other way round.

"I'm sorry." Selene blurted out, her blue eyes flickering up to meet his hazel ones. Sam frowned, confused. "Henry was... he was your family not mine. I don't know why I'm so upset, I really don't." She wiped a stray tear from her eye. "I should be used to this, I should be like you and Dean. Able to compartmentalise and control my emotions, but I just can't. I'm so sorry."

Selene began to shake her head, as tears flowed down her face. Sam ran to her on the bed, pulling her into a tight embrace. He held her as she cried, her head resting against his chest.

"It's okay Selene. It's not your fault." He cooed, stroking the back of her hair softly. The brunette pulled away, sniffling and wiping her wet cheeks.

"You're wrong you know." Selene gave him a soft smile, her eyes still glistening. Sam furrowed his brows once more.

"About what?" He asked, his voice quiet as if anything louder would scare the girl away.

"About you and Dean being numb to it all." Selene placed a hand on Sam's shoulder. "You and your brother have lost more than I can fathom, but trust this. Both of you care more than anyone I have ever met. Most people would have given up being hunters by now, after everything that you've lost. But you're still fighting, still saving lives. You're doing that because you care. Can't you see that?"

"But what if that's what we have to do?" Sam whispered. His eyes brimming with water, before he quickly blinked it away. "After all the stuff I've done... all the bad things. It's my duty to save people, I have to, I guess it's my way to pay the universe back for all the bad I've done." Sam coughed, clearing his throat.

"Sam you're not a bad person." Selene tried to meet his gaze, but the hunter had his eyes trained to the floor in shame. "You may have made some mistakes, we all have. It's what makes us human. What matters is the person you are now, and that person is good. That person cares."

Sam gave Selene a small smile, grateful for her words. The hunter was filled with so much self loathing and hatred, that it was a relief for someone to tell him that they didn't see him the same way he saw himself. As a monster.

Selene had relieved the hunters pain, without using her powers for even a moment. The hunter trusted her now, and she trusted him.


How's everyone enjoying the book? Who do people ship Selene with I'm kinda curious what u guys think.

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